election 2010

The Times - are they a changing?

Posted by jossc — 21 April 2010 at 3:08pm - Comments

What interesting times we're living in. The unexpected Lib-Dem surge has made this election impossible to call, and at the same time forced both Labour and the Tories to debate questions which they'd far rather ignore. How do they intend to pay down our frighteningly large national debt, for example?

Nick Clegg put the spotlight squarely on Trident in last week's leaders' debate, arguing that £100bn to replace a Cold War relic that has no military value makes little sense at the best of times, let alone when we're facing financial meltdown.

Balancing the Books

Last edited 7 April 2010 at 1:57pm
Publication date: 
7 April, 2010

Public spending cuts that would do us all a favour

There is general agreement that the UK’s public sector finances are in a critical state. The UK is forecast to borrow £178bn this financial year, with net public sector debt expected to reach well over 50% of GDP1. In the next financial year borrowing is expected to be around £170bn – equivalent to more than £2,700 for every UK resident for just one year’s debt.

Download the report:

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