exporting global warming

Exporting pollution

Last edited 11 July 2002 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
11 August, 2009

Double standards in UK energy exports.

Publication date: July 2002

Export credit agencies (ECAs) of developed countries are increasingly responsible for financing the infrastucture requirements of developing countries. This has significant implications for the global climate, as choices made now will determine the energy pathway of a country for the next 30-40 years.

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New research shows Blair 'exporting global warming'

Last edited 11 July 2002 at 8:00am
11 July, 2002

Tony Blair is under fire from environmentalists after new research exposed a staggering hypocrisy at the heart of Labour's global warming policy.

Blair had claimed to be in the vanguard of efforts to tackle climate change - but the new research reveals that his administration has funded the construction of coal plants in the developing world that cancel out half the emissions reductions the Prime Minister has boasted the UK will make under the Kyoto Protocol.

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