
Czech's Son of Star Wars protest set to enter third week

Posted by Louise Edge — 9 May 2008 at 5:54pm - Comments

Czech blockade

A group of Czech Greenpeace activists are set to begin their third week occupying the site of a proposed US 'Son of Star Wars' base in the Czech republic. About 20 Greenpeace activists broke into the Brdy military zone south of Prague on April 28th. After establishing a base camp in nearby woods, they entered a wooded area inside the military installation and hung a 60 ft banner carrying the message "We don't want to be targets" across a series of tree-platforms.

The US want to build an X band radar at Brdy - like the one the Labour government controversially gave go ahead for at Fylingdales in Yorkshire - as part of the European end of their proposed 'Son of Star Wars' missile defence system.

The UK's involvement

Last edited 5 October 2001 at 8:00am
Menwith Hill spy base, North Yorkshire

Menwith Hill spy base, North Yorkshire

To make Star Wars (National Missile Defence) work, President Bush needs to use two key US military installations in Britain. These are the Fylingdales early warning station in Yorkshire, and the nearby Menwith Hill spy base.

Consequently, Tony Blair has a real opportunity to stop Star Wars in its tracks, and do the global community a huge favour.