The Chemical Home is now closed

Last edited 17 January 2007 at 11:54am

Thanks for your help in keeping the pressure on companies to substitute harmful chemicals in their products with safer alternatives. By choosing to buy products from companies ranked green and amber, you helped to make companies change their policies on chemicals.

And, thanks to the support of more progressive companies, the 'substitution' principle has been at least partially incorporated into the new EU chemicals policy called REACH .

To find out which companies improved their chemical policies as a result of the Chemical Home and your pressure, read either the full Chemical Home Report or for those who just want an overview, the Executive Summary .

green my iPodThe Greenpeace Toxics campaign is now focused on getting the electronics sector to improve its policies and practice on chemicals and waste. To see how the companies line up and how you can help to make difference download our Guide to Greener Electronics . Our research so far has indicated that one of the worst culprits is one of the least expected - Apple MacIntosh. Here at Greenpeace we love our Macs and iPods, but why can't we lose the iWaste? Why do Macs contain hazardous substances that other computer companies have abandoned? We're asking Apple fans to join with us in demanding a greener Apple!

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