Urgent action needed on new European Chemicals Regulations: sign our petition

Last edited 18 April 2003 at 8:00am
Greenpeace installs giant test tube at EU chemical industry meeting

Greenpeace installs giant test tube at EU chemical industry meeting

Current rules governing the production and use of chemicals in Europe are failing to protect people and the environment from dangerous substances. Our bodies are now contaminated with up to 300 man-made chemicals. Recent Greenpeace research has revealed that house dust contains a large number of hazardous chemicals that are escaping from commonly used household products. Once in the dust these chemicals can enter our bodies.

The European Union has a unique opportunity to end this. New regulations are being drafted which will require the most dangerous chemicals to have an 'authorisation'. But where safer alternatives are available it is vital that these chemicals are not authorised. However the European Commission wants to allow production of man-made chemicals that are currently building up in our bodies to continue, even where there are safer alternatives.

Right now we have the chance to let policy makers in Europe know that we do not want our children and our environment to be polluted with hazardous chemicals.

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