Tuna: on the brink of extinction

Last edited 10 June 2014 at 1:35pm

The UK eats more tuna than any other country except the USA. No wonder - it’s the UK’s most popular tinned fish. But tuna also provides a critical part of the diet of millions of people across the globe. Sadly, rampant overfishing is pushing some species, like the magnificent bluefin tuna, to the brink of extinction. Our appetite for cheap tinned tuna also puts other species like sharks, turtles and rays at risk through indiscriminate catch methods. We work to promote sustainable fishing methods, and to stop the fishing of endangered tuna species.

Campaign updates

We need fewer boats and more fish to save our oceans

I’m here in Bangkok at a gathering of hundreds of tuna business officials, policy-makers and even a few environmental advocates like myself. It’s been a...
Posted by jamie - 25 May, 2012 - 17:34 -
Tuna and bycatch caught in the east Pacific

The Italian Job: reeling in the Italian tuna industry

The sands in the tuna campaign have shifted again, and the oceans and tuna will ultimately be better off for it. Our Italian colleagues have just announced...
Posted by simon clydesdale - 9 March, 2012 - 13:56
A Greenpeace activist cuts the lines on a fish aggregating device (FAD) - curren

Tuna bluewash? Bolton’s fishy commitments

After the huge success of our UK tinned tuna campaign, described by the Independent as "one of the most successful environmental campaigns in years", it was...
Posted by simon clydesdale - 30 January, 2012 - 13:19 -
Antonio Vidal Pego - boss of the Spanish fishing family operation

Notorious Spanish fishing baron brought to justice

Finally some good news for our seas.  Toño, the head of the Vidal family network, and focus of our recent investigation in to illegal fishing and subsides...
Posted by Ariana Densham - 4 December, 2011 - 10:33
Antonio Vidal Pego - boss of the Spanish fishing family operation

Notorious Spanish fishing baron brought to justice

Finally some good news for our seas.  Toño, the head of the Vidal family network, and focus of our recent investigation in to illegal fishing and subsides...
Posted by Ariana Densham - 4 December, 2011 - 10:33

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