Tuna: on the brink of extinction

Last edited 10 June 2014 at 1:35pm

The UK eats more tuna than any other country except the USA. No wonder - it’s the UK’s most popular tinned fish. But tuna also provides a critical part of the diet of millions of people across the globe. Sadly, rampant overfishing is pushing some species, like the magnificent bluefin tuna, to the brink of extinction. Our appetite for cheap tinned tuna also puts other species like sharks, turtles and rays at risk through indiscriminate catch methods. We work to promote sustainable fishing methods, and to stop the fishing of endangered tuna species.

Campaign updates

Shark fin soup drives the global shark finning trade.

Shark finning sucks. Sort it out New Zealand!

There’s nothing defensible about shark finning. It’s the marine equivalent of the poachers who kill rhinos to hack off their horns or kill elephants to hack...
Posted by Willie - 27 August, 2013 - 11:07
Shark fin soup drives the global shark finning trade.

Shark finning sucks. Sort it out New Zealand!

There’s nothing defensible about shark finning. It’s the marine equivalent of the poachers who kill rhinos to hack off their horns or kill elephants to hack...
Posted by Willie - 27 August, 2013 - 11:07
Senegalese fishermen in a traditional 'Pirogue' boat

Tackling overfishing from the Pacific to the Atlantic

You may have been lucky enough to see the superb National Geographic programme Mission To Save The Ocean last Saturday. If not, don’t worry, I’ll give you the...
Posted by Nina Schrank - 13 August, 2013 - 12:34
Senegalese fishermen in a traditional 'Pirogue' boat

Tackling overfishing from the Pacific to the Atlantic

You may have been lucky enough to see the superb National Geographic programme Mission To Save The Ocean last Saturday. If not, don’t worry, I’ll give you the...
Posted by Nina Schrank - 13 August, 2013 - 12:34

Pole and line fishing – catching tuna one by one

Today I saw a tonne of tuna. Literally. I witnessed every tuna landed on a pole and line fishing trip in the Maldives. It was a relatively slow day, 1.3 tonnes...
Posted by simon clydesdale - 2 November, 2012 - 11:31 -

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