Getting sponsored

Last edited 4 January 2011 at 6:38pm

So you have decided what you want to do, you’ve told all your friends
and family and set a date/bought a ticket/got a place. Now all you need
to do is get the money rolling in.

We have relationships with three of the most well known fundraising sites in the UK.
Take your pick from:

Virgin money giving bmycharity bmycharity justgiving justgiving

The benefits of using these sites are:

  • We are able to claim Gift Aid as it all goes to our charitable arm, the Greenpeace Environmental Trust*.
  • These sites can make your event profile even bigger.
  • They are all internet based so there is no paper involved and we get the money pretty much straight away.
  • You don't have to spend hours afterwards going round collecting your sponsor money.
  • You can tell people by email, on Facebook and Twitter about your event and show people a tailored page all about your event – complete with pictures and links to us.

Want to get sponsored the paper based way? Download your sponsorship form

*Two parts of Greenpeace

There are two parts of Greenpeace in the UK: Greenpeace Ltd is our campaigning arm which many know for our non-violent direct action and lobbying work. We are not eligible to be a registered charity due to the nature of some of our campaigning activities.

Greenpeace Environmental Trust (charity registration number 284934) is our environmental research and education arm which investigates critical environmental issues to help stop environmental destruction and provide planet-friendly solutions. Greenpeace Ltd and Greenpeace Environmental Trust work effectively together because of the different remits of their work. If you are planning to use the online services the money will go to the Trust as it can claim the Gift Aid on any eligible gifts.

If you want your donations to go to Greenpeace Ltd then you need to tell us and request paper forms. You will not be able to claim Gift Aid on these donations.

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