Write to Tony Blair!

Last edited 24 January 2003 at 9:00am
Australia: Greenpeace inflatable boat alongside HMAS Kanimbla protesting the deployment of troops to Iraq

Australia: Greenpeace inflatable boat alongside HMAS Kanimbla protesting the deployment of troops to Iraq

Greenpeace is opposed to war in Iraq and will campaign actively to prevent it. We have joined the Stop the War coalition and we will remain opposed, whether or not an attack is sanctioned by the United Nations.

We need your help to get the message across to Tony Blair and urge him not to allow UK forces to be involved in an attack on Iraq.

Please take the time to write to him at our specially set up Blair Greenpeace email address and we will print them all out and personally deliver them all to Downing Street.

Email: use our web form to email him, simply fill in your name and address and the letter is created for you.

Alternatively you can write to him at:

Rt Hon Tony Blair MP
10 Downing Street

A personal e-mail is usually more effective but you may like to use the following example as a guide:

Dear Prime Minister

I urge you not to allow UK forces to be involved in an attack on Iraq. An attack would lead to a massive loss of human life, mainly among civilians. It could lead to the use of weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons. Pre-emptive military strikes are not the way to deal with the spread of weapons of mass destruction. Instead, all states including the UK should abide by international treaties such as the Nuclear Non Proliferation treaty and the Chemical and Biological Weapons Conventions, and work to strengthen these treaties.

Instead of strengthening them, the Bush administration is undermining them, for example by refusing to agree any verification procedures under the Biological Weapons Convention. This suggests that Bush is more interested in Iraqi oil than he is in protecting the world from weapons proliferation.

I urge you to use your influence to stop Bush attacking Iraq, and to make clear that the UK will not take part.

Yours sincerely,

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