January 8, 2023

Self-serving calculations explain China’s decision not to veto last month’s first-ever UN security council resolution on Myanmar, which called for an end to violence and the freeing of all political prisoners, says the Guardian. Following Beijing’s lead, Russia also abstained. Now comes the hard part: ensuring the junta complies.

Burma Campaign UK complains the UN resolution does not go far enough, with no mention, for example, of a long-sought global arms embargo. “Russia, China and India are using their seats on the security council to protect their profitable dodgy arms deals with the Burmese military,” said director Mark Farmaner.

Activists want the UK and other governments to block supplies of aviation fuel, to stop the junta launching air strikes. Too many international companies still do business in Myanmar. All concerned actors, international and domestic, must join together to dethrone the region’s worst regime since the Khmer Rouge.

Read Guardian article

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