
Category : South Sudan news

Breaking News Health News South Sudan South Sudan news

Senior opposition leader alleged Amb. Telar was denied medical access and poisoned

Dec 28, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — Questioning the death of South Sudan’s former ambassador to Russia, Amb. Telar Ring Deng, who died of coronavirus in the capital,...
Breaking News News Peace Process South Sudan South Sudan news

A military general and a supervisor of unified forces training defects from Kiir to Machar on Christmas Eve

Dec 26, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — A senior military general has defected from President Salva Kiir’s military camp to the military camp of the First Vice President,...
Breaking News News Peace Process South Sudan South Sudan news

South Sudan cannot hold elections without security arrangements

Dec 25, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — A senior armed opposition official and one of the former governors of the defunct Imatong State, Dr. Oyet Nathaniel Pierino, is...
Breaking News News Peace Process Press Release South Sudan South Sudan news

President Kiir is “shooting himself in the foot” by frustrating the security arrangement

Dec 23, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — A senior SPLM/A-IO official and one of the former governors of the defunct Imatong State, Dr. Oyet Nathaniel Pierino, calls on...
Africa Breaking News News South Sudan South Sudan news Sudan UN

Sudan: Security Forces Kill Protesters in Eastern Sudan

Prosecute Killings, Prioritize Security Sector Reforms For Immediate Release Nairobi, Dec 21, 2020(Nyamilepedia) – Sudanese authorities used excessive force, including lethal force, against protesters on October...
Breaking News News Peace Process South Sudan South Sudan news UN UNMISS

UNMISS Peacekeepers reduce inter-communal tension in Cueibet county

Dec 20, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — The United Nations Mission in South Sudan is extending the deployment of the Nepalese peacekeepers in Cueibet county after the UNMISS...
Breaking News News Peace Process South Sudan South Sudan news

Two SSPDF soldiers killed in Mvolo offensives, SPLA-IO fights back.

Dec 18, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — Responding to recent reports of an attack on the SPLM/A-IO  cantonment site in Mvolo county of Western Equatoria State, a senior...
Breaking News Economics News South Sudan South Sudan news

South Sudan to hold an investment forum next year to woe investors

Dec 15, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — The South Sudan government announced that it will hold a conference next year to attack foreign investors in the country. The...