
Category : Upper Nile State

Breaking News Latest News Peace Process South Sudan Upper Nile State

Newly appointed Upper Nile governor calls on all appointed officials to report to Malakal

March 15, 2021(Nyamilepedia) — The newly appointed Upper Nile State officials are ordered to report to the state capital, Malakal to take oath of office...
Press Release Upper Nile State

Dear my fellow Nasir County citizens and the entire Gaat-Duany Community as whole

APPRECIATION STATEMENT, By Hon. Duol Kun Thian, March 7, 2021(Nyamilepedia) — It’s my profound thank you for the privilege and the rare opportunity to serve...
Breaking News News Peace Process South Sudan South Sudan news Upper Nile State

South Sudan leaders competing over the communities of Upper Nile

Dec 12, 2020 (Nyamilepedia) —  following the SPLM/A-IO sixth conference resolution to hold a conference in Fashoda to resolve the controversy over the appointment of...
Breaking News News Peace Process South Sudan Upper Nile State

Gen. Olony remains the SPLM-IO preferred candidate for Upper Nile State

Dec 10, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — A member of Sudan People’s Liberation Movement in Opposition reiterates that the SPLM/A-IO does not intend to change its gubernatorial nominee...
News South Sudan South Sudan news Upper Nile State

Padang Dinka Community threatens war if General Olony is appointed the governor of Upper Nile

Nov 21, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — Responding to the quest for appointment of Lt. Gen. Johnson Olony as the governor of Upper Nile State, the Padang Dinka...
Breaking News News Peace Process South Sudan South Sudan news Upper Nile State

Angry youth attack humanitarian workers in Renk “for taking their jobs”

Oct 24, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — Unleashing their anger on humanitarian workers, who persisted to continue working in South Sudan’s Renk town, a multitude of youth took...
Breaking News News Peace Process South Sudan South Sudan news UN Unity State Upper Nile State

UNMISS reassures displaced families of protection

Oct 19, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General and Head of UNMISS, David Shearer, visited Bentiu and Malakal for the first time...