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Lake State Ram charged of first degree murder will remain in jail until owner pays 6 cows

Lakes State, South Sudan

May 19, 2022—A customary court in Rumbek East County of Lakes State has fined the owner of a ram which killed a woman in the area this month.

5-year old ram which murdered a 45-year woman in Rumbek Lake State (Photo Credit:courtesy image)

The five-year-old ram was apprehended by police for knocking dead a 45-year-old Adhieu Chaping last week.

The disgruntled animal was near the late when it repeatedly pounced on her ribs as she attempted to stand up.

On Monday this week, a customary court in Rumbek East County presided over the case and requested the owner of the Ram and the family of the deceased to settle the matter traditionally as required by the custom and the nature of the case.

The owner of the ram whose name concealed for the security reason then pledged to give five cows as blood compensation to the deceased family, a suggestion which both parties agreed upon.

Passing the verdict, the customary court ratified the agreement and ordered the owner to pay a fine of one cow to the court.

Lakes State Police Spokesperson, Elijah Mabor told media that the ram will remain under police custody for the next 14 days until the owner pay the due fines.

“It will remain in custody in the meantime. Either the court will decide to release the ram to be given to the owner or it will be kept until the fine is paid,” Police spokesman Mabor said.

According to the customary laws in Lakes State, any domestic animal that has killed a person is given as a compensation to the family of the deceased.

Last week, a professor of Law at the University of Juba commented that the arrest of a ram by Lakes State police was the correct procedure, which is warranted by the law.

Geri Raimondo, who is also a former Justice of the Court of Appeal of the Judiciary, also said the taken step was necessary to force the owner to appear for settlement of the case.

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