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President Kiir sacks Deputy Governor of Jonglei State amid power wrangling

Juba, South Sudan

May 19, 2022 — South Sudan President, Salva Kiir Mayardit, has fired the Deputy Governor of Jonglei State and the acting Chairperson of the ruling party in Jonglei State, Antipas Nyok Kucha, last night through a presidential decree and appointed his replacement.

Jonglei State governor Denay Chagor and his Deputy Antipas Nyok during the May 16, 2021 event (Photo credit: courtesy image)
Jonglei State governor Denay Chagor and his Deputy Antipas Nyok during the May 16, 2021 event (Photo credit: courtesy image)

This comes after a long-term political and administrative stalemate between Governor Denay Jock Chagor and his Deputy, Antipas Nyok Kucha, whom he has accused of running a parallel government in the state.

In a statement read out on the state-owned television, South Sudan Broadcasting Corporation (SSBC), President Kiir issued a Republican Decree sacking Mr. Antipas Nyok as the Deputy Governor of Jonglei State without explanation.

In a related decree, President Kiir also appointed Hon. Jacob Makuei Deng as the new deputy governor and chairman of SPLM in Jonglei State by virtue of his new position.

The administrative wrangling between two principals in the state were attributed to insubordination of the Governor by his Deputy as governor Denay spent more time outside the state.

The power wrangling between Hon. Nyok and Governor Denay visibly surfaced in major political appointments such as the appointment of the Mayor of Bor town and also affected major decisions, some of which led to arrest, release and re-arrest of politicians, political activists and youth.

According to insiders, the relief of Hon. Nyok from the position of state leadership could be the beginning of peace and development in Jonglei state as competition between the principals impacted major decision making in the state.

Meanwhile, Hon. Nyok’s supporters and sympathizers call on President Kiir to promote him to another senior position because to them he is a dedicated person who served the interest of the state.

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