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Paul Malong Group Welcome Disgruntled Officers in Lake State

Jan 26, 2022 — A rebel group led by the former Chief of Staff of the SPLA, currently known as the SSPDF, Gen. Paul Malong Awan, claimed to continue to receive disgruntled officers who are defecting from the government in Lake State.

Ex-South Sudan army chief, General Paul Malong, left, greeting President Salva Kiir Mayardiit, right, (File/Supplied/Nyamilepedia)

According to the deputy spokesman of Paul Malong’s rebel group, the South Sudan United Front/Army,  SSUF/A has welcomed two groups of officers led by 1st Lt. Bol Agany Kuur Angui and 1st Lt. Kodi Agok Kodi in Lake states on January 21st and 22nd, respectively.

“The group is headed by 1st Lt. Bol Agany Kuur Angui with well equipped (104) officers, NCOs and men from SSPDF third Division (three) on 21st Jan 2022.”  Said Maj. Philip Deng Kuol Nguot, the SSUF/A Deputy Military Spokesperson.

“Still on the same record, on behalf of SSUF/A military leadership, allow me to give you a clue on the enormous news that a group of (47) officers, NCOs and men headed by 1st Lt. Kodi Agok Kodi also joined SSUF/A from Lakes State’s SSPDF organized forces on Jan 22nd 2022.” Philip Deng continued.

According to Philip Deng, this is a big development for SSUF/A and therefore their supporters should receive the news and welcome the defecting officers.

“The official SSUF/A Deputy Military Spokesman is very much honored and pleased to announce to the general public, our chapters and SSUF/A staunch partisans across the world and entire leadership that our alternative movement is so glad to welcome and thump-up for the “boldest decision” taken by our likeminded comrades from SSPDF organized forces from Lakes State to join our mighty movement SSUF/A.” Deng said.

The SSUF/A Deputy spokesman believes that the disgruntled officers are well trained and persons of high discipline.

“The aforementioned comrades who reported themselves to SSUF/A military bases in Lakes State, are persons of high sculptures from different areas of professionalism in military skills and whose presence in our mighty SSUF/A movement is absolutely more celebrative.” Philip Deng added.

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