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Deadly Clashes in Lou-nuer left at least 10 people dead and four others injured.

Seven women abducted in Jonglei State
Jonglei State Governor Denay Chagor (photo credit: Nyamilepedia)

Juba, South Sudan

October 5, 2021—Clashes in South Sudan’s Akobo County of Jonglei state has resulted in the killing of at least ten (10) people and injuring of four (4) others, local authorities have said.

According to the information received by Nyamilepedia,  the Akobo County Commissioner, Gatwech Reat, said the fatal fighting involving Chiengwanjang and Chiengwuor occurred on Tuesday last week, saying it was sparked by disagreement between two young gentlemen at Deng-Jok village.

“10 people were killed and four others injured. The majority were killed in the crossfire as they tried to escape when the two were fighting,” Reat told Radio Tamazuj.

The top local official blamed the incident on the armament of youth in the area and called for full implementation of the security arrangements under revitalized peace agreement signed in 2018 so that the security is brought back in the country.

According to Joseph Mayen Akoon, the state police commissioner, the situation has returned back to normal after local authorities intervened on Wednesday.

The inter-communal clashes in the country becomes rampant despite the peace deal signed in 2018 and severe floods affected many parts of the country.

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1 comment

Gol Bol November 5, 2021 at 11:02 pm

“Deadly Clashes in Lou-nuer left at least 10 people dead and four others injured.”

Our Nuers ke Nyantoc low lives, go to where your so-called Tigrayans or Abeshas (so-called ethiopians) prostitutes,
Bantuses in Kenya. cloned so-called of North Sudan, Pope Francis in Rome, queen Elizabeth in the devil infested Island England, your gat Machar allegedly from our Kiirtoum [Khartoum] went and studied a forth rate university, of Bradford in the devil infested Island of England. No one considers their certificates here in South Sudan. Mr. Riek Machar came and married and NGO worker. Ms. Emma, we killed her on Ngong Road, in Kenya, in 1994. Reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM.

We Have killed your gat Machar, Pope Francis, your queen Elisabeth of the devil infested Island of England. We got ride of Pharaohs eon ago. Follow the muonyjaangs/Jaangs/Jenges/Dinkas.

You low lives have been a big snag to South Sudan and the Sudanese people progress. Bring your damn Low Nuers to Bor, Akoba, Balliet, Atar, Malakal and get away if you really can.

Our Gambella region, had been taken back by the owners, the Anyuak people who own Gambella region, Jebel Boma, Panyido, Dimmo,Gillo one and Gillo two, Pachalla, Raat one [lightening], and [raat two] try again to call yourselves ethiopians again or You are Junti Iraq (Iraq private armies our Nuers ke nyantoc. You have thoroughly been informed. Jaangs/Muonyjiengs/Jenges/Dinkas are back with a lot pure HATRED and RACISM.

We are the ancient Egyptians, where is Mr. Abiy Ahmed? Barack Hussein Obama? Watch this space, we always informed you low lives, that no South Sudanese would want to ide by side our *cloned so-called arabs of North Sudan, Abeshas (so-called ethiopians) prostitutes, some of their Bantuses, their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, their gulf Arab financiers, their evil white Americans, evil white English people, their UN, their sleazy NGOs, their UNMISS of Indians, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Sri Lankans, Bangladeshis. Our Nuers ke nyantoc of all people.

The low live have let our country and people be bullied by the vermins/parasites/viruses, we can walk over and pee. White people are not equals, we are the ancient Egyptians. We have asked the low lives no damn evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, Abeshas (so-called ethiopians) prostitutes, English people, Irish people [Irish potato—–fish/chips], some of Bantuses, Italians, Indians, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans. Your damned mighty US has been challenged long time ago. There will be NO NATO on this planet earth. The Nile, is not controlled by low lives, but by the owners, the Muounyjjiengs/Jaangs/Jenges/Dinkas and Coptic people of the Sudan and Egypt.

Take or live it.


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