Press Release South Sudan news

PRESS RELEASE: Minutes of the Meeting of Western Equatoria State SPLA/M – IO in Juba, South Sudan

January 16, 2022The Western Equatoria State SPLA/M – IO members consisting of both the military and political  leaders held a consultative meeting on 13th January 2022 in South Sudan Hotel, Juba from 2-7 PM. The meeting was chaired by Hon. Isaac Khamis Paul, the SPLM Member of R- TNLA representing  Mvolo County, and was attended by seventy three (73) members, whereas the members during the  meeting; 

Maj. Gen. John Sunday Martin of SPLA-IO attending peacebuilding training in Kigali, Rwanda(Photo credit: courtesy image/Nyamilepedia)
Maj. Gen. John Sunday Martin of SPLA-IO attending peacebuilding training in Kigali, Rwanda(Photo credit: courtesy image/Nyamilepedia)

1) Deliberated on:- 

1. The Status-Quo of the SPLM-IO, and Governance of Western Equatoria under the  leadership Governor Alfred Futuyo Karaba; whereas members: 

2. Blamed the Governor of the Western Equatoria State of misappropriation of  the funds of the three Defunct States of Amadi, Maridi and Tambura 

3. Accused Governor of not only involving in propaganda against the senior  SPLA/M – IO members in/from the State, but also intimidating, threatening of  the IO members by uses of two SPLA – IO military officers, namely Brigadier  Francis Bakata Lino and Brigadier Jamal 

4. Accused Governor not only for failing to intervene to resolve the crisis in Tambura at early stage but also engineering of the conflicts in Tambura, or the  problems between Azande and Balanda as well of being factor of disunite 

5. Recognized that SPLM – IO is faster losing ground in Western Equatoria as  people have lost hope and faith in SPLM – IO administration in the State 

6. Accused Governor of failing to cooperate with SPLM – IO Principals from / in  the State, as well of not listening to technical and political advice 

7. Accused Governor of not being supportive to the establishment, and function  of SPLM-IO party programs in the State, as the SPLM-IO Party in the State is  dysfunctional 

8. Accused Governor of poor working relations with his Cabinet, as well not  honouring decision of cabinet – hence the SPLM-IO State Government is failed  Government – as cabinet has not been setting for a while now

9. Blamed SPLA/M-IO Chairman and Commander In Chief of not listening to the  principals, and general members of IO from Western Equatoria on matters not  only relating to the leadership styles of Governor, but general situation in  Western Equatoria State 

10. The decree on the relief of the three SPLM-IO members namely, Hon. Makuku – the State Minister of Public Services; Hon. John – the State Minister of Finance  and Hon. January – The State Chairperson for HIV/AIDS Commission, and their  replacement; whereas members 

11. Expressed unhappiness with the Decree since it never followed the expected  procedures  

12. Accused Governor of conspiracy against those three IO members for not  supporting him (Governor) in his wrongdoings 

13. Blamed the SPLM-IO Chairman Dr. Riek Machar for not consulting with  SPLM – IO Principals before decision not only to relief the three officials from  their respective portfolios, but also their replacements 

2) Resolutions:- 

a) A need to form a committee to investigate the misappropriation of the funds for the  three Defunct States of Amadi, Maridi and Tambura, and to ensure the funds are  refunded 

b) The SPLM-IO Principals in Western Equatoria States, including the SPLM-IO Youth  League in State with other senior Military officers has withdrew their supports from  Governor with immediate effects due to his poor administration and working relation  not only with his cabinet but also SPLM – IO leaders of Western Equatoria State 

c) Called for immediately leadership change, reshuffle of the State Government – special  removal of the Governor, 

d) Called for the Reinstatement of the three officials decreed out without proper procedure 

e) Called for immediately meeting with the SPLM-IO Chairman Dr. Riek Machar so as  to present to him this resolutions 

f) Called for immediately summon of the Governor with State Legal Advisor and SPLM  – IO State Secretary General to Juba before removal of the Governor.

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