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Vice Chancellor of Juba University calls on Security Organs to stand up against the Egyptians

Juba, South Sudan

June 6, 2022 — South Sudan’s Vice Chancellor of the University of Juba decries dredging machines imported from Egypt for re-opening of water ways in protest of “Jonglei Canal” project.

Barges donated by Egyptian government to South Sudan Ministry of Water Resources for dredging Naam River and Barh El Gazal Basin arrived in Unity State (Bentiu) (Photo Credit :courtesy image)

On 3rd of June the Governor of Unity State received four barges in Unity State capital Bentiu to clean up parts of river Nile that were clogged within the last two years of flooding.

In March, the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation announced that dredging machines are being mobilized from Egypt in order to clear up cataracts blocking the movement of Water in Naam River of Unity State and Barh El Ghazal Basin but decision is publicly criticized by citizens who views it as Egyptian move to satisfy their dire water needs from River Nile.

In a statement seen by Nyamilepedia, Vice Chancellor of University of Juba Prof. John Akech says it is security threat from Egypt to dredge South Sudan rivers.

“..Dredging of BG Basin by Egypt to begin soon while national security institutions are less concerned. These machines just imported by Egypt are happily being received by Unity State Governor”, Prof. John Akech noted with concern.

” Is this not declaration of war on our country by Egypt and allied parties”, Vice Chancellor Akech added in a statement obtained by Nyamilepedia.

In response to public reactions about the imported equipment, the Press-Secretary at Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation Mr. Gattiek Wichar said dredging rivers is a normal exercise which has been undertaken by the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation since 2006, saying that it has no negative impact on ecosystem and shouldn’t be politicized.

“.. I would like to make it clear to the public who views this project with prejudices that the machines brought to dredge rivers in South Sudan are not harmful but intended to help mitigate flooding that has submerged many parts of the country especially greater Upper Nile Region”,Press Secretary Wichar said.

According to Wichar, the project is negatively perceived by many as Egyptian campaign to dry up the Sudd wetland in order to satisfy their dire water needs.

“.. The public misconception about the project whose aim is to reduce flooding is that dredging will allow water to Egypt but as Ministry we are executing our national response to this devastating calamity”, he added.

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1 comment

Gol Bol June 6, 2022 at 4:49 am

‘Vice Chancellor of Juba University calls on Security Organs to stand up against the Egyptians’

Bucketwheel (Makarween) is rusting here in, Bor Jonglei.

Our SPLA boys destroyed it long time ago and pee. Bucketwheel (Makarween).

Dr. Akec is a vice chancellor of the university Juba and his authority is limited to university of Juba, he can talk his mine, but the bucks stop, with the government of South Sudan, the army and the people of South Sudan
For all, I care. Here in Bor in Jonglei and Upper Nile. I will be damned if the so-called western civilization is going to survive our bombings. The Nile is controls by the owners, us—-the Jaangs/Jenges/Jiengs/Jongkoths/Muonyjiengs/Dinkas of the Sudan and Egypt.

*That our Egypt is a European country? That their vikings came and built our pyramids? ‘That Greekis, Romans and Jews, colonize us, really?!, Says who? We have never been colonized by any piece of shit on this planet earth. The Ottomans, to day Turkey (they don’t want to be called Turkeys these days), they want to be called ‘Türkiye’—-well, they are entitled to swap their name and get away with it.

So long as, they (Türkiye) don’t ‘chew with four (4) molars & came playing Africa, Middle, Asia and Europe or Americas,.

The Ottomans, helped juus (so-called israelis), low lives long time ago, after they were ‘kicked out of Hispaniola, by people of Spaniards —–because of their worship of money and profit over human beings. The Ottomans, welcomed the Jews into their country——today North East Turkey and Caucuses’ Mountains. The Turks did the ‘right thing—that is the natural way of human beings of doing thing, help each others’.

The Ottomans, colonized the whole Middle East, but they got their value for their money here in Upper Egypt, valley of Kings, Upper Nile (present day Sudan).

If Islam were to be a religion, then the Jaangs/Jenges/Jiengs/Jongkoths/Muonyjiengs/Dinkas of the Sudan and Egypt would have been the first people to be Muslims, Islam is not a religion, never has and will never ever ever will under the sun. Human beings have to believe in something. Crusaders——-where are they? Look for a place to hide. Where Mr. Pope Francis, former Argentina piece of scrounger? Where is your Mr. Joe Bidden, a Roman Catholic (society of Jesuits), a devil worshiper, who has been bidding his time in Washington for over 40 years, Where is Mr. Barack Hussein Obama? Where is Kalama Harris is—-an Indian piece of shit? Where is Mr. Mike Pompeo? Where is your queen elizabath of the devil infested island England?
Where is pritit Patel?
Where is Mr. Benjamin Nentanyahu, an evil Juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs and his bunch zionist, low lives? the evils are not going to reach Poland or New York, we going to bomb them to kingdom come

There will be second Auschwitz & Holocaust. Reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM>>>>


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