
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

#MaMaraskit: A Woman’s Love and Hardwork are Part and Parcel of Womanhood in South Sudan

8 min read

By Betty Yom Mageer, Nairobi, Kenya

Saturday, June 06, 2020 (PW) — Dear citizenry of our nation, I’d like to takes this crucial moment to discuss and convey the significance of a woman’s love and hard work in our young republic of South Sudan. We all know the excellence and agreeability of a woman’s love and hard work during the time of birth and grow up years when a woman is the one who take care of a child during childhood. It is a woman who takes the lion’s share and massive influence in the child’s upbringing compare to her counterpart in this regard and it is uncontested.

A man of course does his role in the child’s upkeep and survival and that is undisputed but a woman play a great part and real gentlemen can confess that. In addition, I’d like to manifest and explicate the significance of the woman’s love and hard work to our fellow countrymen and women in South Sudan and around the world. A true womanhood is incomplete without love and hard work. Love and hard work are what really define a prettywoman on earth. And without love and hard work, even money loses its value. 

Love is more significant than money because you work to provide for yourself and your family, and without love there’ll be nothing to inspire you to work hardest or to have wonderful things in life. What is love? It is an intense feeling of deep affection. Or it is simply what one feels. Love should be seen not as a feeling only but as an enacted emotion. To love is to feel and act lovingly. Furthermore, some people say that love is a chemical reaction while others say that love is spiritual.However, the essential notion is that love is an active action, not passive acceptance. In the most general form, the active nature of love can be described by the statement that love means, first of all, to give, not to accept. 

To give is described as a massive manifestation of love, when a person is able to give without demanding something in return. It is obvious that it doesn’t matter how a person understand love, it only matters how he or she feels it. Because the importance of love in marriage, family, romantic relationships or in any other form affects the life of a person and can become the sense of his or her life. 

To better understand the meaning of love and its importance, we should look at the psychologists’ point of view. They define love as; the feeling that stimulates the brain to secrete pleasure hormones, dopamine, a feeling of gladness and serenity. 

Love is an objective notion, the need for a person to feel loved;to give lovely emotions to others, to be happy and satisfied.Moreover, people talk about true love and fake love because love can be a source not only of happiness but also of misery, if the person considers love as his or her sense of life, it can be very painful for this person to lose this love or find out that this love is fake. 

This is another aspect of the importance of love for our life. The significance of love in the family is quite obvious.It is impossible to have a happy family without love, it is impossible to have a peaceful society without love, it is impossible to have a united country without love and it is impossible to raise children without is notable that the love of family helps to raise more full-fledged and healthy personality.

And for instance, when a child grows up and begins to experience his or her first romantic feelings, it plays a huge role in the socialization of this individual. And love doesn’t leave us even in old ages, there are many cases of old couples who still feel love and it makes their lives happier. And as we can see, love surrounds us everywhere and at any period of our life. 

So we the women of South Sudan need to develop sincere and infinite love toward our parents, children, friends, adversaries,relatives, spouses, families, communities and our lovely South Sudan in order for us to build a lasting peace, unity and friendship in our country. We need to know and acknowledge that love is the best cure for baseless and misguided evil wars, classism, racism, ethnicity and hatred in our fatherland and globally.

We need to know that a true womanhood has no boundary with genuine love and it is an important necessity for every woman in South Sudan to know and embrace it. Womenfolk can help a lot in building peaceful, strong, loving and prosperous societies if they’ve an authentic love among themselves and toward everyone as well. 

Women can be great tool for peace, stability and prosperity if they can wholehearted invest their energies and work hard to convince their spouses and youth in their various beautiful families to give peace, unity and stability to our mother country. We need to convince our brothers and men in our homeland that enough is enough, we cannot fight for the entire century in South Sudan without giving peace a chance. 

We need a permanent and pretty peace and unity for lifetime.Because If we keep on fighting for long without making peace among ourselves, then they rest of the world will get tired of us when it comes to mediating our peace and that possibility cannot be rule out in the near future. We need to take charge of our own destiny as one people of South Sudan and womankind need to play their role in this national duty. Finally, we the womenfolkof South Sudan need to embrace hard work like our counterparts.

We need to work hard socially, academically, militarily, economically and politically in order for us to play our effective role in the nation-building of South Sudan. A nation’s development is not a task for one gender alone, it is for both male and female and we need to know that. The days whenour brothers and men used to fight for our collective freedom, autonomy and security and then we remained behind caring for elderly and young ones are long gone and we’re in the modern era now.

We need to be like men in every field of human development whether it is in the army or political landscape, we can manage why not, women are driving military’s tanks and flying jet fighters in Ethiopia and China respectively at the moment. We can be in the army too and help safeguard South Sudan’s airspace, territorial soil, security and sovereignty.There’s willpower and bravery in femininity.

It is just a matter of willpower and pluck. We’ll get rid of the so call timidity in the womanhood very soon. We’ll equip ourselves with courage, determination and right skills and knowledge. And There’s no one who’s born as a coward or fearless. there’s no weak human in the humankind, it is how you train yourself in this world that define who you’re regardless of gender. 

Women are a blessing to the whole world and there’s no debate about that. I need my fellow womankind to embrace hard work as an ultimate key to success in life. Because we need to support our brothers and spouses in providing basic necessities of life in our families. 

We need to share responsibilities in our homes in order to create a better living standard for all of us. It is unfair on our side as women to leave all the culpabilities of the households to our counterparts. We need to play our part in sharing duties. And men need to stop that wrong and miscalculated misconception that when a woman is in the job market or part of workforce, then definitely, it is a recipe for adultery. 

That belief is the key motive why most men want their women to remain at home forever without doing any paying job. Another misguided belief is that when a woman is earning her salary, then it’ll be a license for marital rebellion, disrespect and disobedience on the side of woman toward her spouse.

All these beliefs are deeply rooted in the insecurity, mistrust, assume infidelity and lack of true love among the couples. The cure for all these unnecessarily and groundless traditional and matrimonial beliefs is to build sincere trust and love among the spouses. The couples need to be faithful and trustworthy to each other and build genuine love in order to flatten the curve of these outdated and meaningless beliefs, worries and fears. The “flattening of the curve” is not only about “coronavirus”pandemic and it is also about “flattening the curve” of unrealistic and wrong societal misconceptions toward womankind in our various societies earth wide.

Also, I’ve a lovely sister who’s a golden example of a hardworking, loving and faithful woman. she is intelligent and responsible in everything she does and she’s a mother and family woman. She is also a professional woman who is working but she has never neglect her responsibilities. She’s staying with her spouse, relatives, children, family and they’re very happy together without any issue.

This is a perfect example of how a real family should be in life. She is call Yom Deng Pach and she is the one featured in the picture above. she’s a very social, respectful and nice person and this is how a real womanhood should be. And remember, love and hard work are part and parcel of womanhood in South Sudan. Thank you and be bless! 

The author, Betty Yom Mageer, is a women’s rights activist and can be reached via her Email:

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