
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Rebuttal: False Accusations of Corruption on President Kiir and Top Businessmen in South Sudan

14 min read

Aid Agencies' bosses: They come in as commons and get out as royals


By Akook Mawet Yaidit, Juba, South Sudan

Saturday, June 06, 2020 (PW) — Much to shout ‘LOOTERS’ because we know what you traitors have been standing for. Sirs, we are not here to talk about your corruption charges, neither are we here to talk about how you did failed the President and make him look like he performed very low in the eyes of South Sudanese, but we are only here to give justice to the tiring and boring character assassination letter you wrote to the beloved and courageous leader of South Sudanese people.

After reading your long corruption claims, we came to believe that you guys are the men who are eager to side with the enemies of the state. Men who cannot come out straight in mocking the nationalists, but chose to hide behind the play of conspiracy to serve their masters well.

Fortunately enough, we were able to decode your words and those you are working for. We know you are standing with the enemies, the regime change group. We know that some of you since you are on the last kick of a dying horse to loose government position; you have been keenly but vigorously fighting youth and nail to maintain your position or else tarnish the name of those working in the leadership.

We know, you are the first to openly abandon the one that made you who you are today, President Salva Kiir Mayardit. We know intend of your malicious report. You are trying to force gullible South Sudanese to accept that President and his close aides are corrupt. You wanted to sell the lie and smear campaigns that President Kiir, and his family members, national businessmen and those close to his leadership are bad people. All these, you did with an aim and intention that those who are supporting the President abandon it and hate the leadership.

In your reports pertaining to corruption allegations on President Kiir, his family members, top businessmen and close people that stand with his government, as concerned entity we dust-binned this report on facts that these businessmen are not corrupt but real businessmen with clear vision for South Sudan government and its’ citizens welfare.

These businessmen including Kur Ajing Ater and Paulino Diing Madol, who you falsely accused of having received moral obligation that had contributed to the alleviation of poverty and economic inequality in South Sudan. Their empathy for the less privileged and a sense of responsibility towards giving back to the country made them recommendable. They have never conscientious the idea that South Sudan owes them when in actual fact, they owe South Sudan, an idea some of you have always cherished.

This report dated 28th may 2020 is really rebuttal and biased towards the government and a monster to the businessmen. In history of the high office in the land, a lot of confidential and classified documents have been leaked out due t defunct status quo in the office of the President. Despite the fact of such reports, the office of the President has been least attention to culprits. According to the alleged reports, it does not bear evidence containing vexatious and frivolous figures of billions of dollars and multi millions of South Sudanese pounds. Nobody has business link or social relationships to win such contracts.

The goons have no ideas of the personalities and the contracts of the projects. They can not be true and are considered null and invalid since no businessman or woman who has ever won such contracts obtaining such amount of money in the country. No single businessperson has ever won such contracts in the Ministry of Defence and Veterans’ Affairs or Ministry of Justice or any government position. Indeed, this report teaches a lot to the Presidency that the palace is not safe in terms of confidential affairs. Some of us lived in Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia and Sudan but such acts has never happened in the palace. Never!
How would President Kiir Mayardit directly get involved in any corruption scandal?

The President does not sign any contract with companies only the Ministry of Justice and that of Defense and Veterans’ Affairs have proactive or jurisdiction to do so. Yes we agree that he gets consulted in case the contract is much valued to control manipulations by the people of Self- interests. Mr. President has never been involved in such games even before he became the president of the Republic of South Sudan leave now that he is now heading the nation.

To give phantom slide on the accused businessmen and innocent Maj. Gen. Gregory Vasili, we would like to clarify to the public that these people have no connection in regards to the above report; Maj. Gen. Gregory had once rejected to sign dubious contract invalid by thinking that there would be a better businessman or bidder but at realization that none had financial capability and better connections than LOU investment trading company.

It is sad that KUR AJING ATER is the only breathing air that has relieved government from the burden of foodstuffs since contract was handed over to him. We have realized from the report that we South Sudanese don’t appreciate the good because of hearsay or personal hatred.

Kur wouldn’t have been a victim of such a rebuttal report while he has been feeding the national army for close to two years. Ever since he took over the responsibility of feeding the army, all divisions made sure they were well fed. There is no commander or any soldier that stand in front of that truth which states that Lou investment and trading company ever worked for their welfare. Despite that fact he had been falsely betrayed by the group to the West world to be sanctioned, he still made sure South Sudan peoples’ Defense force was fed on credit because of his personal relations with Arab world such as United Arabs Emirates and East African community.

Kur deserve an appreciation nothing more than that because if anybody does not see the charity of Kur which he provides to vulnerable society of South Sudan then he is myopic. Of recent, he donated 100,000 USD towards covid-19 pandemic disease to cater for the needs of South Sudanese society as the world battle with scary virus.

Until now, LOU investment is still demanding from government a number of outstanding because most of the payments have not been made and approximately 50% of the contract value has not been paid. But the question that bgs answers from betrayers is, “What is 10,000,000 USD payments for some one supplying food items to the whole army of Soth Sudan?”.

For many years contracts were through LCs leaving the backbone defense of nation at the risk of hunger but LOU investment had made sure that no food is lacking in the army barracks whether there is cash money given to him or not, he brings what government needs. Is there any businessman or woman that can do that without a solid heart? None accept Kur who we still don’t acknowledge his goodwill.

It is so cheap and pathetic that some of you believe Kur has been bribing his way to transfer his money to Dubai and Khartoum respectively, is anybody can bribe his way, why didn’t you also bribe your own ways to escape or manipulate the contract? How many people bribe their ways to obtain the claim? What a cheap way to drive home a myopic propaganda?

Let’s refrain from that habit of grabbing the second hand information from the wrong people who are desperately looking for fame or pride or for their pockets. We are aware that your report is falsely backed by hate because we know some of you are out there on assignments. We learned that this report is propagated by tarnishing the name of the best businessman Kur Ajing Ater for his hard earned business skills but one thing you should keep in mind is that South Sudan community is contented his courtesy, charity and services delivery. True businessman like him who has hospitable heart.

Kur is an independent businessman without partners as your report detailed that Paulino Diing Madol and Majok Chol are partners, this is a grey lie and propaganda. Kur has premises and assets and he is in possible of a given contract amongst the businessmen. Keep doubting this man but one time, one day, you will wear the same shoes and testify his best part for both government and the army.

In the recent days, over 25 trucks of wheat flour crossed South Sudan – Khartoum border carrying army’s food and consignment and soon they will be recieved to rescue our suffering national army from hunger and 85 trucks will arrive at Nimule- Uganda border, all these will go to our national army. What does it mean that Kur bribes the government? No one is above the law and that Mr. Kur bribes his ways, this is a blatant lie that no human beings can buy.

The four land cruisers V8s indicated in the report are not true because Mana Angelina Teny the minister of defense and veterans’ affairs confirmed that she has never been approached by anybody to stretch her hands in receiving the most expensive cars. Madam Angelina denied having been bribed or given any V8s land cruisers. We understand that you wanted to add weight no this propaganda to sell this cheap propaganda.

PAULINO DIING MADOL is another potential businessman who is envied with some people jealousy and his business success. That he chose to relinquish the army duty and joined the market for the good of his people and bring up his country through investment as well as has financial freedom. Almost 200,000 bags of wheat flour have been directed to vulnerable people by Paulino Diing Madol in defunct Gogrial state three days ago to rescue the civil population from hunger and thus is done in favour of the government of the SPLM party and genuine heart serving his own people.

Wealth is not supposed to be destructive but enjoyable to all without discrimination. Who else has done that among the business community? Paulino Diing is not partner to Kur Ajing as alleged unless social friend and that can’t be a crime to victimised someone for associating with Mr. X and Y as long as they are not harmful to the society.

The difficulties he goes through while convincing the third party to deliver the consignment are harsh and touchy courtesy, charity and services delivery. True businessman like him with such hospitable heart are counted like vowels. Businessmen that serve their professionalism with ethical values, integrity but not double agents professions can only be found in Paulino Diing Madol, Kur Ajing Ater, Adim Adim and Majok Chol.

However the lists is lengthy among the documents posted, none bear the name Paulino Diing Madol, may be there are people behind the move that also want to obtain the contracts within business community with intention of achieving their own interests. Another innocent businessman known as Adim Adim whose work heavenly father blessed is being included for maintaining his wealth and having good network with Presidency.

The best thing will be for you traitors to discover the cancer eating up the country; otherwise your lowly slave status and the character assassination of good leaders will not be tolerated. Continue serving anti- South Sudanese interests out of morbid fear and cowardice, no one is begrudging you but please don’t expect your cheap propaganda to be given attention. We Patriots always prefer truth over servitude.

May God bless our Country and the People of South Sudan.

The authors to this article are: SOUTH SUDANESE INTELLECTUALS’ FORUM (SSIF); Tel: +211912806666; Email:; authors: 1. AYAI AYAI DENG; 2. KUOL GAI THIEP; 3. AKOOK YAI AKOOK, and 4. CHAN DENG ADIM.

MAY 28,2020
 In the dusty streets of South Sudan’s capital city, Juba, citizens of the world’s youngest nation are stranded, traumatized and hungry with no food to eat. A mother who lost her husband to war is seen selling tomatoes at a custom market with no hope of making enough money. A soldier who has not received his salary for the last 2 years or so hit the streets of Juba with torn shoes each rising sun to feed his family.
Running from a war-torn country, South Sudanese refugees waited each month for the World Food Program to supply their monthly ratio in Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, and Sudan’s refugee camps. For the lucky ones, those in UNMISS, they are privileged to call Protection of Civilians’ sites a home.
There are hundreds of thousands living in the swamps of Sudd mainland. While the nation is stranded with no further hope of formation of local governments, collapsing economic and the threat of current devastating effects of COVID-19 pandemic; behind the scene dirty deals involving billions of dollars flourishing with culprits walking free in the streets of capital, Juba.
 These deals held South Sudan hostage from fighting corruption and transformation of vital institutions that support development and security.
The new giants of this game are the likes of businessman and tycoon Kur Ajiing Ater and his partners Ding Madol and Capt. Majok Chol, businessman, Adim Adim among others who named themselves the mafia of South Sudan. They used bribery, cheating through the office of the president, looting ministry of finance, manipulating Ministry of Defence, and got away with everything. No one dares them. They crushed their enemies and made friends with the powerful. They threatened anyone in their way including the president himself. They bribed generals, forage their wives, sent their children to schools abroad and helped them buy mansions outside South Sudan just to help achieve their aim.
What are they after? And why are they walking free without being arrested? Is the president aware of these people exploiting the resources of South Sudan? Mr. Kur and Ding’s recent involvement in mass money laundering and corruption is shockingly threatening stability in the world’s young nation. They formed a network of powerful military generals, national security agents and several civil servants.
According to a investigative journalist in Juba, Kur  despite being sanctioned  by the United States in November 2019 for illegal money laundering, obstruction and fueling of war in South Sudan; nevertheless, he lingers to carrot more government officials to remain obtaining murky deals involving millions of dollars. According to below document, on 8th January 2019, through his agents in the ministry of Finance and Planning (MOFP), Mr. Kur manipulated, bribed individuals to approve the contract of unknown number of cars for purchase worth $10,000,000 in Dubai. This money where transferred into the Bank Account of Car City LLC. The unknown numbers of cars never made it to South Sudan. The money disappeared just like that.
Another significant took place on 16th of January, eight days after the $10,000,000 was transferred into an oversea Account in Dubai. This time around, the deal involved another company owned by the associates of Mr. Kur and Ding. The company GREEN FOR LOGISTIC SERVICES LLC received $9, 500,000 in Dubai. The company never deliver the services as the purposed. After serious investigation,      investigative journalist revealed that such a deal was never authorized by the government of South Sudan. However, Kur and the companies manipulated the deal, removed the money from the ministry of Finance and Planning bribing their way up to Dubai.
Kur And Company’s New Way After The U.S SanctionBoth Mr. Kur and Paulino Ding Madol forged the contract of $756 million with the government in pure manipulation using bribery and threatening opposers to their dealings. The payment was separated in different terms. The case in point was, when 1st Lt. Deng Madut threatened to reveal their money laundering and theft activities, the duo bribed the authority in Juba accusing Mr. Deng Madut of spying for national security. Deng’s arrest was made at midnight with the intended mission to kill him and he refused to come out on their request, eventually he was caught in the morning and locked up. He remains in prison with no clear justification on his case.
Recently Kur and his group donated four (4) land cruisers v8 and a house as an attempt to bribe the new minister of Defence (Madam Angelina Teny) to continue looting of the ministry. However, Kur’s spoils were rejected outrightly by the minister.
As seen below (document not available), is another big break through for Kur and company made from July 2018 and January 2020.
This is just a tip of an iceberg. More report about his secret dealings and money laundering will be exposed throughout various media outlets this week.
This report into 3 sections. The first one walks the reader through the contracts handled and mismanaged by Luo for Trading & Investment Co. Ltd owned by Mr. Kur Ajiing Ater.
Recently, Mr. Kur created the new business gateway through Khartoum, Sudan, using Sudan’s most powerful man, Vice president Lt. Gen. Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo (also known as Hemetti) as a shield to protect his business empire. Lt. Gen. Hemetti’s vast efforts in the peace process in South Sudan are finally paying off. Mr. Kur trusted 80 percent of his money transactions to Dubai International Markets using Khartoum’s Umer Yahacuf and Mohammed Abdallah to purchase cars from Dubai Car City worth several millions of dollars. Below are the transactions that took place in March 2020.
On Thursday 16th of March 2020, evidence of these claims circulated within the president’s office, but individuals with knowledge to these deals were severely punished or silence using Mr. Kur and Diing’s private security apparatus within the capital. The president never had an idea about this.
According to the report obtained on confidentiality, a contract involving Amuk &
Lou for Trading & Investment Co. Ltd used bribery to secure an indenture of $549,000,000 for the supply of food to the entire SSPDF in various parts of South Sudan from in March 2020 alone. These deals largely benefit the likes of DG Gen. Gregory Vasilis.
This amount of money $539,000,000 have been received many times in the name of the same contract. A set of confusion that the minister of finance coordinate to keep off the record from the public.
Lou for Trading & Investment Co. Ltd won the deal through bribery by promising and giving out some money to powerful military generals within the army.
Although the company in part delivered some food items valued $25, 000, 000, 90 percent of the food was monetized, calculated into cash, banked and shipped overseas with profiteers buying millions of dollars mansions in Dubai, Australia and Monaco.
Behind the power of all these deals, Maj. Gen. Gregory Vasilli with his group led by Brig. Gen. Gum Ruben and his bodyguards ended up buying Bungalows in Dubai, Khartoum, Nairobi and Kampala. After much complaining from the SSDPF officers aware of the transactions, over 100,000,000 SSP were dispatched to silence the staff involved in procurement, and supply. Military Intelligence agents were massively paid between 2nd and 4th of January 2020 through Mountain Bank in Juba.
However, more than 360,000,000 SSP was first given out to various stakeholders at the end of 2019. Gen. Gregory once again took the initiative to silence the concerned individuals who knew what was going on. He is the shield to Kur and Diing. As these two men shipped millions of dollars into foreign banks outside the country, they used men like Gen. Gregory to shield them from the fire blast.
Source indicates that the company was deeply involved in bribery of military generals to silence them throughout the middle of 2019 and 2020. Another report revealed that the DG for Procurement in the minister of defense was given slightly over $500,000, a couple of cars for his first trip to Nairobi immediately after his appointment in 2018.
Source: SSNN.

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