
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Advice to the Regrouping SPLM Liberators: Put your House in Order and Shun Internal Wrangling of 1983, 1991, 2004 and 2013

4 min read

President Kagame received Gen. Nhial Deng Nhial, Minister of SPLA and Veterans Affairs of Southern Sudan, 4 May 2011

A case study of regrouping SPLM liberators versus epithet Opportunist in South Sudan

By Dut Kuot Akok, Aweil, South Sudan

Tuesday, June 16, 2020 (PW) — In our country, any circulating scuttlebutt whether it be in tea places or in social is always a reality. Perhaps in the whole of last week, there was outlandish rumor circulating in social media that, the regrouping SPLM liberators are planning general clearance of commandeers or SPLMNCP from presidency according to some moss-backed cadres of the ruling party. 

This wild rumor started during the swearing in ceremony of presidential affairs minister in which some seniors’ members spoken fearlessly and jealously to the best of theirs appetites in present of president Kiir. During the ceremony, General Daniel Awet Akot did spoken commandingly by stating that any appointment to the higher offices across the country should be based on merit, rather than the current employment of relatives and close friends based on technical know-who instead of professional technical know-how, and of which he gave that incompetent woman within Dr Machar’s Family hegemony as an example.

His elderly, eye-catching advice should be taken achingly and espoused it to accelerate the revival of the party vision and mission in lieu of lodging with feisty chimera of a backing us into another cycles f wars and mince-meat. During the same ceremony, General Kuol Manyang statement was all-out asseveration of war perchance unwary/purposely. The said cheerless Bourne of kuoldit together with his regrouping liberators was absolutely warlike and irrational because, it is unbecoming to use a person to aegis yourself during hardships and then humiliates the same person after your life seems defendable and expects no negative consequences.

 It is apparently clear to every living being in south Sudan that, SPLM since it nascence was delivered and incubated amid innocent blood and countless human bones dating back to 1983. Her political structure formation did witnessed numerousremorseless blood-bathing of innocent lives of which the likes of Benjamin Bol Akok and Akuot Atem de Mayen just to mention few are the case in point.

Henceforth, Kuoldit statement was purely jejune and invalid since his hided design is like a person who let snake into the hole and start digging thereafter in rummage of in-hole snake, and expect no defensive snake bites.

Yes, I do concurrent with some cadres that, SPLM as a liberating party is in need of panoramic reform by weeding out these visible inept opportunists that are accidentally holding some technical positions that are beyond theirs capabilities and qualifications regardless of theirs previous political background. It is by weeding out the unyielding cadres without favorabilityon regions, tribes sections and clannish inclinations that SPLM would be great again like the one of 2005 and backward. 

Presently, any political party is in need of new tenderfeet whether they be formers NCP, IO or any earthly political organization, or are some hardliners still domiciling with that unsubstantiated Bambara proverb which stated that ‘’ No matter how long a log stayed in water, it doesn’t become a crocodile’’, this might be the case they are envying competent newcomers and if not, then they should welcome newcomers and abolish that unethical segregation and classification of party members based on theirs previous political background.

Also, what is so perplexing is that, the today unwanted opportunists, were the yesterday grown members/cadres, by the same party, and in present of today regrouping liberators until they grew pungent horns, and well accoutre to withstand and gloomy conspiracy against them whether it be financially, diplomatically, and perhaps militarily since majority of them have taken the front booty in earthly paradise of president Kiir.

And as such, it is better to work as a team by assigning the most competent cadres to reshape the image of your party in lieu of these newcomers beautiful women who are using theirs beauty as theirs absolute qualifications.

Please beware that, at this current dying moment, we the poor have barely to offer in term of lives/blood or properties to your ticking sacrificial season since we have conditionally acceptedto die from Mr. Hunger virus silently.

Therefore, our humble advice to the lately regrouping liberators is that, put your house in order and avoid any internal wrangling as it was the case in 1983, 1991, 1998, perhaps in 2004 and lastly in 2013 which was exploded by that extemporaneous general reshuffling of the whole government as if we are operating a certain business company and expects everlasting peace and harmony.

And as of now, it is a high time we should abolish our primitive Africans perspectives of scapegoating our failures as to have been bewitched by others or by some newcomers or opportunists as it is the case with some hardliners within the ruling party. Our cultures do scapegoat innocent often, even when a man is killed in frontline, they still scapegoat his innocent wife by finger-point her mirage Adultery instead of bullet.

Truth Hurts but it is absolutely liberating

The writer is a concerned citizen, and he can be reached via his Email address;

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