
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

God made man, man made money, and money made man mad!

4 min read

By Majok Arol Dhieu, South Sudan

Tuesday, June 16, 2020 (PW) — The article will talk about poor decisions taken mostly by rich people and how money push people who owned it to keep theirprofile higher. Kerubino Wol decisions to wage war against the government which arrested and later pardoned him is the one that triggered this writings.

Well, in classical economic thought, competition causescommercial firms to develop new products, services and technologies which would give consumers greater selection andbetter products and this greater selection typically causes lowerprices for the products compared to what the price would be if there was no competition.

I thought this would be considered when we are confronted by hard situations that need tough decisions. The like of Kerubino Wol and other insurgents in South Sudan are scratching woundsor adding fuel into flames. How can they expect citizens to follow them into the bushes without having made it clear that their products would be cheap and time saving? 

Do they expect us to be carried away by the projects that their life span are inquestions? Do they think that citizens in this country are poor enough to be inform overnight and rise up to their feet for a rebellion that will not reward them.

Do they think that we have no brains to think critically by first revisiting the first Sudanese civil wars, what triggered them, and whether the current sitting government has avoided those oppressing strategies which triggered the first civil wars between two parts of Sudan?

It takes us back to question the careers we have pursued. Suchpoor decisions tell us that the person has only understood the headline in order to get the passing average but had not deeply understood the topic in details. In management, it is advisable not to take decisions when in anger mood and that, every decision must have plan B in case the A failed and vice versa.

Insurgency doesn’t need hast decisions. If one knows thattradition is the enemy of progress, then in an army, there are military adversaries both upwards and downward lines, and that, if you take such decisions hastily, the chances of those seekingto injure, overthrow or confound you as their opponent are high. 

Those poor decisions are already seen when the most respected Dinka commanders, in persons of, Martin Manyiel Ayuel, Arok Thon Arok, Kerubino Kuanyin were consumed by their colleagues and amigos in the army. Their juniors and seniors alike were happy to see them fall into pits so that the hierarchyis pushed vertically or horizontally.

Most of them were deceived about fake loyality and relaxed when they have seen that thecoin has turned unexpected side up.

In business, firms eliminates other firms in order to grow in profits and fame. The same thing happen in every field including military. 

If such decisions of forming a rebellion in only five days and by only two or three members are not influenced by money, thehistorical events and knowledge on subjects would have been revisit several months, years before concrete decisions are made.Could one not remember simple strategy that rebellion is started at the country’s borders if it is not the influence of money?

It is said that brilliant people do not make mistakes, but mistakes make people brilliants. South Sudanese people have committed an unaccountable mistakes, since 1991 when Juba wassurrounded by SPLA forces, and then, an insurgency was waged to backstabbed the movement so that the decision of capturing Juba is aborted.

At this very time of peace, I thought Kerubino Wol would have seek justice to claim back his looted resources, if any, and wait to see if this major peace between SPLM-IO and IG that is on sick bed will be given a full treatment.

Those in universities, please you are not poor, you are doing an investment that will withstands the market ups and downs when you graduated. Don’t allow yourselves to be carried away by the projects those that will not be stable for a longer period.

The writer is a South Sudanese National and is reachable on and on phone contact: 0927278832

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