
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

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Open Letter: Reconciling Amankat and TOM Group of Twic East and Bor Counties

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Open Letter to Chiefs of Three Counties of Jonglei

Bor County’s Chiefs 

Duk County’s Chiefs 

Twic East County’s Chiefs 

Sub:  Reconcile Amankat and TOM Group of Twic East and Bor Counties Respectively  

You have done a commendable job by reducing the bride price from indefinite figures to thirty (30) cows as initially fixed by our grandfathers. The deviation from the normal bride price practices could not be addressed by any other authority except you (chiefs) who are the custodians of acceptable practices. Furthermore, it is important to ensure the acceptance andimplementation of this credible resolution.    

On a similar note, it is crucial to remind you of one task remaining. The duty to restraint people from perpetuating and prolonging unnecessary conflict in our societies. There are always reasons to disagree leading to deep conflict but a third party must intervene to stop such disputes. 

In this regard, we have two fighting groups namely Amankatand TOM group representing Twic East and Bor Counties respectively. Amankat and TOM group have been horribly dragging themselves (all of us involve through them) in the streets of social media for quite long. However, the political and other leaders of our communities in towns are silent. Some of them are silent because they are either involved in this conflict or fearing to be victims of intervention. But as people’s chiefs, you must take the risk and intervene to stop this conflict. 

Being Chiefs of the three counties of Bor, Twic East and Dukgive you have absolute responsibility to address internal conflicts either within one county or between the counties.  The obligation is upon you to unite with one voice and intervene to pacify the relation between Amankat and TOM Group. It is not easy but it possible to stop this conflict.  

Note: This sharp division will certainly cause irreparable damage if it doesn’t stop soon.  

Samuel Reech Mayen

The writer can be reached at :

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