
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

26 Reasons Why Dr. Riek Machar is Declared Nuer Public Enemy No. 1 in South Sudan

11 min read

By Deng Vanang, Juba, South Sudan

Dr. Riek Machar is many things in one, a contradiction of sorts. Quite a predictable man whose predictability, though routine, is way off the mark to nail.

A herd boy who went to study as far as the United Kingdom and returned as King to Nuer organized anarchy than people servant leader. 

He espoused values of democratic governance, while secretly cherishing and openly practicing dictatorial tendencies see.

His unsuspecting audience estatically fall off under his famous trademark of bewitching gap-toothed, but vain and deceptive smile. 

He chats and laughs his heart out loud and long at a time many think he should be in his lowest of spirit ever as things fall apart around him like a knocked pile of dominoes.

The author of Emma’s war, Deborah Scroggins in her book on Machar’s late British born wife, Emma Mcune {Machar} describes him as a handsome hunk who laughs with you while plotting your end at the same time.

He treats with suspicion intellectuals  he always deals with at considerable yard away as he brings closer those he deems intellectually challenged for maximum command and control in his usual use and dump leadership style.

He recruits civil defense mobs he knows can do his bidding at a summoning light cough who neither hold him accountable for his series of administrative abominations nor his systemic failures, while he similarly disperses members of regular armed forces into an oblivion where they rather mind their own business as they fend for themselves into hopelessness.

More competent and efficient when executing his superior’s orders, but literally assumes a know it all personality who miserably falls short of governing his own system.

He rises to his feet and stretches out his hands in a public relation stunt when greeting lowly members of society as only and proudly social equalizer and do-gooder type of a leader among his peers and perceived competitors. 

He takes responsibility for the success his juniors score, while swiftly disowning acts going contrary to his interest.

A typical Mechavelian, he is a low lying fork when cornered, while pouncing on his enemy like a lion when strong.

In his success or failure, he sheds off those he is in long struggle with for a complete set of new faces destined to be blindly loyal to him given the unqualified favor he extends.

In 30 years or so he has been both at odds with external and internal adversaries, Riek Machar always wriggles off the hook of numerous transgressions against being caught red handed despite lording it over everyone, friend and foe, near and far.

He is today on a 30-year old political roller-coaster ride again rattling long suffering friends and foes from within IO’s troubled Magenis who are now flying high on heels with the following litany of charges to an enraged court of Nuer public opinion he obviously denies:

1- He claims to be a democrat; while he makes appointments without consulting his deputy chairman and military Chief of General Staff.

2- When in public he is convinced against a decision he wants to make, but always finds a way out to overturn the popular opinion to suit his personal vested interest.

3- He is friendly with the weak, while seeing those capable of helping him as a threat.

4- His influential appointments are skewed to favor blood relatives, yet he views himself as a freedom and justice crusader in the country for the last 30 years.

5- His inner circle is nothing but clan homestead looking down on and insubordinating everyone and even their seniors not of their own clan.

6-  When being chased away from the dinner table by fellow comrade in power, he runs to safe haven in Jikany and Lou lands, but returns to his homeboys and girls without a word of thanks now that he has a share of the national cake he was previously denied.

7- In war time other Nuer clans’ members give up their lives so that he lives to rule and provide for all, but gives fruits of peace to members of his clan.

8- He claims to build a peaceful-prosperous country when given the opportunity to lead, yet he hates the educated class to help him build the kind of a country he envisions.

9- He has usurped 30 years of generational leadership which would have been enjoyed by more than three leaders if he truly believes in the term limit as democracy envisages.

10- He admonishes and cries when the Nuer kill opponents threatening to kill them and him, while unconcerned when Nuer are being slaughtered.

11- He says he can not secure guns for Nuer they will use to kill others, while he is now outsourcing weapons of destruction to finish the Nuer who question his eligibility to continue ruling.

12- He advises the Nuer to bear with hunger and keep peace while he is eating, but when he runs short of food, he rallies the Nuer to rebel and trash peace now that he is hungry himself.

13- He says his boss has failed when the same boss delegates most of his powers to him to change things the way he himself wants them changed for the better.

14- He wants Nuer to save him from the enemy at higher cost of human lives, but he later gives himself up to the enemy at will after a lot of death and material destruction.

15- He drives a wedge between the Nuer and Dinka by joining one camp against the other when it suits him most.

16- he falsely claims to fight and defeat a well armed opponent by just sitting under the tree until the enemy returns to haunt everyone dead or alive.

17- He is always willing to give up leadership to others and denies his people the same with a lot of blood to shed.

18- He tells clan youths to go to school, while mobilizing other Nuer youths to die for him and his clan.

19- The same position of Vice President he said in 2013 couldn’t be the reason for Nuer to die, he is today killing the Nuer to protect it.

20- His envious attempts to snatch dictatorial powers from John Garang and Salva Kiir he himself wants to enjoy under the pretext of fighting for democracy and good governance are tantamount to misleading people to their death without cause. 

21- He deceives people to democratically contest positions in his many movements, but ends up to appoint defeated candidates in place of those popularly elected by their constituencies.

22- Fearing free and fair competition, he undermined and dropped into depression and subsequent death elder politicians he replaced with his errant toddlers.

23- He allowed the Nuer to be defeated, isolated and disrespected, resulting in disorganization and lack of confidence in themselves in relation with fellow South Sudanese.

24- He is a known corrupt, morally depraved public intellectual who destroys without blinking an eye his dependants in trust he supposes to help.

25- He rather fixes in than appoints people to positions of leadership he himself remotely controls and runs.

26- He brags about being democratic when he has been governing people for more than 30 years through blood and iron.

Deng Vanang, UDRM/A’S Secretary-General and Member of SSOMA’s Leadership Council; Reachable

DEAR DINKA WORLDWIDE, Please accept my apologies on behalf of the Nuer community for Atrocities Riek Machar has committed against you

The SPLM/SPLA-IO has become the family property of Riek Machar and his wife. Is this what Nuer fought for? HELL NO

By Gatluak Thontiop

On behalf of the entire Nuer community, starting from, Nuer Gawaar, Nuer Jikany, Lou Nuer, Nuer Bul, Nuer Dok, Nuer Lak, Nuer Thiang, Nuer Nyuong, Nuer Leek, Nuer Haag, Nuer Jagei and all our various sub-sections.

Please, Allow me to express my sincere apology to every one of you who might have been encompassed directly or indirectly by my tribe’s mischief and Dr. Riek Machar’s in particular, I’m deeply concerned and wholeheartedly want to acknowledge the suffering that we Nuer have inflicted upon your people throughout the history of the twenty-one years of South Sudan’s liberation struggles to the present day. Kindly accept my gratitude as one of your brothers from the Nuer community who is sharing the current pain with you in silence.


Dear brothers and sisters, I want to concede this afternoon by explaining this untold reality loud and clear to the World that we Nuer have caused the most horrifying destruction to South Sudanese and the Dinka tribe in particular.

To begin, We have backstabbed you when SPLA/SPLM came up with liberation struggle mechanisms of conscription and by the time they move on to mobilized the young brave strong men from greater Bhar El Gazal region and waded the swamps of Nuer land, we vigorously stood on the way without shame and mercilessly killed dozen of the Dinka young recruits when they were passing in Nuer lands towards Ethiopia military training, you never gave up in the struggle, few of you who survived Nuer aggressors in their land were able to reach Ethiopia and proceeded with the plan of liberating the country that we currently called ours. They thought it was a bad idea but they eventually got the benefits of what took Dinkas and other tribes out of their comfort zone and passed through their villages to Ethiopia land.

I’m deeply saddened by that misstep and I apologize on behalf of my people.

Before the 1991 incident that almost paralyzed the successful battle against Arabs, few elements from the Nuer Army Generals disowned the movement and chose to mislead the Nuer population into abandoning the mighty SPLA, you again stood the ground firmly and fought harder to defeat both Arabs and Nuer betrayers. Dinka as a tribe and few other supporters were not bothered about my community’s activities.

I recognized your heroism and once again apologized for the transgressions posed on you by my people.

In the year 1991, Dr. Riek Machar mutinied against the movement of the SPLA/SPLM and killed almost 60% of the Dinka Bor population, you similarly defeated him with all his uncountable logistical support from the Khartoum regime and other countries around the world that did not want to see South Sudan thrived, I speculate that the year 1991 was a horrible nightmare to all the Dinka community but you dearly moved on and forgave Dr. Riek without resentments.

Our biggest depletion in this country is that we lack a core value of humanity and common understanding among ourselves like any other community. The 21 years of SPLA struggle was not spent because Arabs were strong to be vetoed. The struggle took us so long to attain because the Nuer army Generals within the rank of the SPLA/M were deteriorated by the swift success and achievement of the SPLA in their various fronts and divided themselves. The majority of them, however, preferred the embodiment of feeding the enemy with all the necessary confidential information that was huddled to defeat the enemy. Their devilish intention was to dismantle the idea of freeing our people from the Khartoum regime but Dinka as a people with objectives and norms. You ignored them and moved on despite the trade of information and countless conspiracies to weaken the movement. You sacrifice the life of your young man by recruiting Dinka and other few tribes whose hearts were filled with love for the country.

The history of South Sudan and the world as a whole can vouch for the challenges the Dinka resisted. I apologize on their behalf.

Those of Gen. Paulino Matip, Gen. Peter Gadet and thousand of other self-proclaimed generals from the Nuer have done more harm to Dinka than any other tribes during the liberation struggle but you still welcomed us back home whenever we got humiliated and shamelessly chased out by Arabs like honors. I thank God he created Dinka and out them as a blessing to South Sudan even though few of Nuer and other enemies whose eyes are crumpled with hatred and tribal mindset will not see the greatness in you.

I apologize for that. Please forgive us, we are not the same, some of us know what it takes to be a South Sudanese today.

Dear Dinka and other peace-loving societies, let me reminisce to you that you have patriotically demonstrated the unifying spirit of brotherhood for so long, you have managed to accept us as your stubborn brothers and sisters in our various borders, we have killed and raided a million of your cattle across Dinka lands but you later filled up your heart with peace and forgave the few perpetrators.

I’m keenly aware that When a few of your angry youth attempt to come and take our cattle from Nuer land, your elders and the government intervenes and asks your youth to return the raided cows, your youth always comply but Nuer have never done that to you.

In the year 2013, Dr. Riek Machar again without remorse he staged a coup for the fourth time when President Kiir was speedily seeing the development of Juba and the country at large. The victim and the target of Guandit were to fight, take over the government, and erase Dinka. You still went on and pardoned him despite the destruction and economic meltdown he caused to the country.

What else can I say that you did not do to bring and continued to govern this country. We know the truth but we withheld it in telling to the World and the upcoming generations.

We have done unexplainable destruction to most of the Dinka territories that are bordering our lands but you all choose peace over these disheartening and human suffering imposed on your susceptible populations — from all your respective ancestral lands, I acknowledged and salute you all for the endurance and resilience that Dinka population have persevered for so long. I’m deeply apologizing to all the Dinka community. From Twic Mayardit, Malual Buoth Anyaar, Apuk Giir Thiik, Awan Achan Nyal, Aguok Mou Akeen, Kuac Ayook Magong, Greater Tonj, Waau, Gok Arol Kacuol, Agaar Madong, Yirol, Greater Bor, Ngok Deng Kuol, Ruweng, and Jiang Ageer.

SPLM/SPLA IO Movement led by Dr. Riek Machar Teny,

  1. Riek Machar, Chairman, Commander in Chief and First Vice President.
  2. Angelina Jany Teny, wife of Riek, Chairman of Security and Defense Committee and Minister of Defense
  3. Gen. Dhiling Keak, cousin of Riek, Director of MI
  4. Gen. Yiey Dak, cousin of Riek, DG for National Security.
  5. Gen. Jal Tomath, cousin of Riek, in Charge of Police File of IO
  6. Hon. Sarah Cleto Rial, Governor of Western Bhar El Ghazal and wife of Jal Tomath, brother to Angelina Nyajany
  7. Hon. Elizabeth Acuei, Minister of Health, mother in law to Gordon Riek Machar
  8. Hon. Mary Lodira, Deputy Governor of Eastern Equatoria, Mother in Law to Mer Riek Machar
  9. Hon. Nyalok Tomath Kuma, MP, RTNLA, younger sister to Hon. Angelina Nyajany.
  10. Abudhok Anyang Kur, Governor of Upper Nile State, maternal Uncle to Angelina Kuma

Yet he didn’t reward the children of the heroes and heroines who fought and died in this war. Comrades like

  1. Lt general. Late Shadam Chayot Many.
  2. Major general. Late. Koang Rambang Chuol former governor of defunct Beih state.
  3. Major. Gen. Tito Biel Chuor.
  4. Brigadier general. Pur Nienkel
  5. Amb. Daniel Wuor Joak who was fighting harder diplomatically for his release in detention in south Africa.
  6. Late Hon. Yiel York Nhial.
  7. Late Hon. Father John Matien Kuol former commissioner of Fangak county before crisis and after 2013 crisis.
  8. Late. Lawyer Dong Luak
  9. Late. Lam Kuiy Lam former
    press secretary in his office

Is this what Nuer fought for? HELL NO

Though I’m nicknamed by my community as
“Gatluak Mangueel” I promise to continue telling the truth to where it belongs and if that qualifies me to be Nuer-wew, then be it.

The end…….

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1 thought on “26 Reasons Why Dr. Riek Machar is Declared Nuer Public Enemy No. 1 in South Sudan

  1. The devil can only enter your home, if you open your doors and allow him in.

    Once in, he would pit the Nuer against the Dinka, two cousins who have shared the same land and the same River Nile over many many centuries; two family members of pure African blood and ancestry; and while they are busy destroying each other, the devil would relish the blood spectacle, and watch, while the entire motherland is laid to waste, and harvested for its souls and for its riches.

    The history of slavery and colonization is replete with tragic examples of how Africans have sold their souls for a mere pittance, and turned their homelands into living hells for themselves and for their children. Sadly, that cruel reality still holds true today as it did two hundred years ago, when we Africans, sold our own people to slavery or worked later on, not for the welfare of our citizens, but for the benefit of complete strangers from far away lands. The cycle seems to be repeating itself over and over again.

    If we cannot learn to respect and value each other, we Africans deserve respect from no one. If we cannot learn to live together as brothers and sisters in our own country, we would die separately as one another’s killer, and the stranger would rip all the benefits out of our fighting and the mindless terrorizing of one another.

    My brother or sister, you should know this by now!

    We are always losers when we kill each other. And for what reason?
    No one really cares in London, in Paris, in Shanghai, in Moscow or in Washington wether you are Nuer or Dinka. No one gives a damn and no one really gives a damn if you are busy killing each other. In fact, some in these places would be quite happy to sell you more and more AK 47s, so you can go ahead and kill more of your own people simply because it is good for business.

    Who is to blame? You or them?

    Please, understand this once and for all. It’s not about the Nuer or the Dinka or any other tribal group in South Sudan. it is about a burgeoning young nation called South Sudan. This infant African nation should learn from our previous mistakes, and not fall victim to the same pitfalls again. All Africans of goodwill and a sense of history must unite to support this young African nation, and not allow it to know the fate of the Congo, a lush land that was blessed with immeasurable natural resources, but whose populations have nevertheless remained some of the poorest on earth for a long time, and up till this day.

    When are we Africans going to start to learn and to see that which is in our own interest?

    No one else can do this for us, until we do it for ourselves!


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