
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Dear Molana Kalisto Wani: Your Only Crime is Refusing to Vow Before the Agents of Corruption

10 min read

By Longar Mathiec Wol, Juba, South Sudan

Saturday, November 20, 2021 (PW) — Last year 4th October I penned an opinion entitled “Dear Juba city: where is CBD?” In that article I have highlighted some of the practices that are haunting the expansion and development of Juba city. I think that was before your appointment as mayor of Juba. In 2021 you were appointed and kick started your work. Your work was welcome with joy and was heading toward the right direction. We the city dwellers applaud you for that and we pledge to stand and work with you in your next assignment. You have proof the doubting Thomases that when you are determine any thing is possible. I know it is a job that comes with handy of challenges, but get assured that you have done your best forbetter Juba city.

In my last year article I have outlined many issues facing the city ranging from lack of the main city center and poor service. As I mentioned previously, what we call Juba town half of it if not all is being owned by Kuwait mosque. It is this entity that lease its part of land to the businesses for specify period of time which make much of Juba town become a private property. In the same piece I also talked of how modern cities should look like. I might not go into discussing everything I had written last year, but this piece of writing serves dual purpose. Firstly, to register my gratitude and gratitude of silence masses on the great work you have done in partially organizing the city since you were appointed, and secondly, to bring to your attention some of the areas you might need to focus on in your next assignment inshalla if you want to see modern Juba city.

To begin with appreciation, it has been to the public knowledge in few months that there are some few South Sudanese who carry South Sudan in their hearts and willing to render the much needed service to its populace and you are indeed one of them. We might not be closed to me but as public figure your duty make you close to everyone. The first time I met you was in Nairobi when you were sent with security board committee to Kenya to conduct awareness among South Sudanes on security arrangement. Luckily enough I was among the nominees from my region who attended the workshop; during the workshop I became a group leaders where my group members and i made presentation on “criteria for Recruitment, Training and the size of the Army Appropriate for South Sudan” Though the time was short, the group made brilliant and well packaged presentation on what we think should be criteria for recruitment, training and approximate size of the army we think was suitable for South Sudan and many more were enlisted in our recommendations. I might not go into details followed since it is not necessary here.

The reason I brought this brief introduction is to bring into your attention that your influence and contribution during that particular workshop was simply amazing and hint on personality of a person you are. In the workshop when we went on break you spoke passionately on the roles of youth in the development of the country and many other topics covered in between. Good enough it happened that you were chosen to contribute and implement your vision as mayor of Juba city. Your contribution since inauguration of your mayorship gained momentum on the ground. All I can say is for you to continue with the same spirit in your next assignment. 

People begun to appreciate your work by opening up most of the roads that were occupied by marauding casual vendors rendering them impassable. Some areas like Lou clinic junction, Abyei chok, Juba town interior etc are proper examples of almost impassable zones you had opened up. That is the type of work we want to see from our politicians and leaders. You were indeed a man of your words and actions. We are tired of politicians telling us how the are going to execute the projects in front of them instead of executing it and tell us. You were different!

When it come to my second points on some of the areas you need to focus your energy on if by any chance you got your next assignment in Juba. I belief the kind hard work you had shownwill pave away for your next assignment. Below are some areas to focus on:

a. Construct public toilet in many markets and be run by city council employees to help the public and generate more funds for Juba city council’s administration. I know with the current economic crisis Juba city might not have enough resources to embark on such project, but it could be achieved through public private partnership(PPP). Engage the companies with money to undertake and work out modalities in collaboration with Juba city to implement this noble project in order to serve the public and generate more revenue. Those will help the city residentswho got pressed in the public and have no where to turn to except rushing to hotels and homes, because the available option like that of Kuwait mosque public toilet in Juba town is not clean. People go there, because there is no alternative.

b. Drainage system clean drinking water in the city. This  has been proof to be one of the most serious problem Juba faces today. Juba is the only city  where inhabitants of almost one million people live without clean drinking water. I know it is multiagency task but Juba city can play very essential pushing roles to make the institutions responsible for that do their job. When it comes to drainage system, most of the places become impassable during the rainy season and some few tarmac roads have drainage challenges. You open up the drainage system in Juba for the water to move when it rains.

c. Designation of smoking zone and passage of smoking regulation to regulate smoking practice in Juba which is matter of urgent concern. In Juba, most of offices and public places are not safe for non-smokers. People could smoke anywhere, anyhow at anytime in Juba which is absolutely dangerous. There should be designated smoking zones clearly marked for the people to go for smoking. Sometimes, if my memory and previous experience serve me well most of the smoking zones are place next or near the public toilets with in city center.

d. Regulate the establishment of hotels in residential areas, in Juba any corner you turn you find a hotel regardless of location. These hotels seems to be doing disservice more than service. There have been complains from residents on the present of hotels in residential areas that fall in authority’s deaf ears. Though we appreciate the services rendered by these hotels to the public, there have been report of public order misbehaviorsbefore the kids by hotel attendees within residential areas with proxime to hotels. Hotel business is a noble business that no one would stand against it, but its construction sides should be restricted. The rampage construction of hotels in residential areas we are seeing today in Juba is totally unacceptable, there is no country that build hotels within and around residential areas leave alone reports of misbehaviors where our children are expose to it. I know this problem might require long term plan, but it should be considered as matter of urgent priority and hotels owners with facilitation of city council should be relocated to convenient location to continue with their businesses e.g in Central Business district like Juba town or near Juba town and some other locations that might be seems necessary like riverside. Imagine a place like Juba town become ghost city at around 7 o’clock simply  because nothing functions at night after the closure of the market at 5 o’clock which is unrealistic. 

e. Construction of parking lots/yards all over the city and start taxing vehicles. The scene in our city and markets during working hours is outrageous and shameful. It only in South Sudan where there are no particular designated parking spots and everyone parked along the roadside in disorganized manner and at their own risk. The worst part is that all parking around the city is free of charge that made me wonder of where the city council get funds from? I know it might be challenging to enforce that, but it has to be enforced by all means; it make us look stupid and uncivilized. Construct the lots and make people pay for parking so that at least the city streets look clear and clean. Some might insist that they don’t have parking fee which should be considered to be a big lie and disputed on spot. The system should not be shaken by these lies, where on planet earth could someone buy a car, afford fuel everyday for the car to remain mobile and cannot afford to pay 200 to 500 SSP as parking fee. Such people need to be told to either pay parking fee or use public transport as alternative and give space for parking to those willing to pay. We can’t continue like this.

f. The land issue in Juba is killing people every single day- Idon’t know what will be your next capacity but what I know the land issues might not solely fall under jurisdiction of city council or Central Equatoria state alone. It is multiagency task, but since you might be in touch with city issues everyday including the land issue. Bring the land problem to the attention of the high authority. I know the country leadership is trying to fix the issue of land but it cannot succeed without the support of the state authority. I always says the land in Juba has been technically designed to take lives, because you cannot denied hundred of thousand of people proper land documents and they continue to scramble over the land they don’t have documents. It is my hope you will extend your hand and work closely with the concern authorities to address the land problem in Juba once and for all

Finally, political road has never been smooth it always bumpy and it has it owns challenges. Your sacking might be political demotion but sometimes a political promotion, because you can not move from one position to the next without being sacked. You have done your best in organizing Juba to modern city but your only crime you have committed is refusing to vow down before agents of corruption. South Sudan is a country that is almost overcome by moral decay, it upon individual to choose who he or she wants to be, you can choose to be patriotic, hardworking, morally upright or opposite the choice is absolute rest with individual. You have seen yourself the time you embarked on improving Juba image. You had received mix reactions praises and abuses, you have be criticized, vilified and finally removed, because not everyone appreciated your work. We are nation overcome by status quo in everything we do; so the choice is absolutely in hands. To either choose to do the right things as you have done and be hated by curtails or you vow down to curtailism and join the status quo chorus. You are free to choose one, but I belief the character in you will never let you bow down to curtailism.

I know how you are feeling now. You are feeling annoyed and disappointed. However, let me remind you on behalf of silent jubilant masses that you have done extremely well, keep moral high and continue holding your head high. I know the tedious work you embarked on every needs moral support from your boss and the public for you to succeed, but the contrary is true.You might have committed unknown since but want to assure you that you have public support. As usual you are not angle there might be few concerns here and there but they could easily be corrected with time. I am also aware that not everyone appreciate what you have done and particularly curtails when you disagree with them on some issues, but don’t let any curtail threaten your leadership style because that is your brand and what brought you to power. Coming to power and sustaining power are completely two different things. If curtail claimed to have brought you to power and you do nothing no one can save you from mighty decree you can still go like yesterday, but if someone brought you to power and you do right things you become public asset and you will get new assignment anytime anywhere when you leave that position. You are now a public asset, don’t let any one lie to you that you will never see a public office again, you have brilliant future ahead of you.

I wish you all the best in your future endeavors and assignment. Concern citizen and dweller of Juba city.

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