
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Peter Garang’s Concession Speech: Election Results for the South Sudanese Community Association of Queensland, Australia

4 min read

Peter Garang Kooch’s Concession Speech: Congratulations to the President-Elect, Sebit Rambang, of the South Sudanese Community Association of Queensland, Australia

Monday, November 22, 2021 (PW) — Dear South Sudanese people in Queensland, Australia, it is a pleasure to inform you all that I, Peter Garang Kooch and my family, have conceded the defeat during the election for the South Sudanese Community Association of Queensland, Australia, conducted on November 20 2021. I believed that the process was free and fair and all South Sudanese people who have cast their votes at this election have done this to the best of their abilities.

Therefore, I am happy with the election’s results (201, 172 & 11 votes) in favour of the three presidential candidates, namely Mr. Sebit Rambang, Mr. Peter Garang Kooch and Ms. Alakiir Deng, as they were publicly announced by the SSCAQ’s Electoral Committee (EC) on the election day. I always respect the will and rights of the majority in any democratic process, such as an election. May democracy and honesty exist forever among South Sudanese people wherever they live.

To my family, relatives, in-laws, friends, colleagues, and all my supporters, thank you all for the great trust and support you have offered me throughout the campaign till the election’s day. Without you, I would not have managed to achieve all I have accomplished in this election. May God’s blessings and strengths be with you always. Also, may God compensate your precious times, resources and supportive words you have offered to me all along from the election process to the election’s day.

Also, much appreciation to SSCAQ’s Electoral Committee (EC) and SSCAQ’s outgoing Executive Committee for conducting a well-organised election for South Sudanese people in Queensland. May God bless you and your families for the beautiful work for our South Sudanese community in Queensland. I wish you all the best in your other community works and activities, now and in the near future.

Additionally, a big thank you to all my colleagues, presidential candidates, sister Alakiir Deng and Secretary-General (SG) candidate, brother Gatluak War Jock, who have put up their hands to serve our community. You were such a great independent team of your own throughout the campaign to Election Day. Also, you have done tremendous work for our community through excessive recruitment and encouragement of South Sudanese people to join this organisation (SSCAQ) and attend in a considerable number on the election day. That big turnout in the election was because of your own commitments.

I wish you all the best in your aspiration for community leadership now and in the near future. May God bless you and your families for the great work you have done.

Last but not least, congratulation to my colleague, SSCAQ’s President-elect, Mr Sebit Rambang and all the new SSCAQ’s Executive Committee members for a well-deserved victory in SSCAQ’s Election for 2021 – 2023, which was conducted on 20/11/2021. I wish you all the best in taking forward our community of South Sudan in the state of Queensland, Australia, for the next SSCAQ’s office term.

Finally, I am kindly requesting all of us, South Sudanese people, in Queensland to unite and work together with the new elected SSCAQ’s leadership for the benefit of our community here in Queensland and beyond. Together we can do much for our community and people. “United We Stand”.

May God bless Australia and South Sudan! Kind Regards

The author, Peter Garang Kooch Mabior, is the former Presidential Candidate for the South Sudanese Community Association of Queensland (SSCAQ) 2021 – 2023.

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