
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Dinka vs Murle: Killing of Two Youth in Anyidi Payam Triggers Revenge Killing in Bortown, Jonglei state

6 min read


Your excellence, I would like to highlight your office about recent incident that took place in Bor Town where Murle cattle traders were killed in retaliation of the two Palek youth who were killed in Anyidi by suspected criminals from Murle.

Your excellence, Palek community of Anyidi Payam in Bor County are close friends to Murle community. They intermarriage, carryout business activities, feed one another with security threats among other activities.

Palek community of Bor Gök have been hosting Murle IDPs since 2012 when Lou Nuer started massive attack on them. Among all the Dinka and Nuer sections in Jonglei State, only Palek are trusted by Murle as their close allies and vice versa.

However, what happened on 19th in Anyidi and Bor Town is not the first of it kind in Bor.

To begin with, early this month, two men from Kolnyang Payam were killed on their way to Anyidi. They were from Korooi section in Kolnyang Payam.
The relatives of the deceased never took any revenge on the innocent Murle who were in Anyidi and in Bor Town. Palek who are staying with Murle also calmed down Korooi who wanted to revenge, not to revenge on the innocent people who didn’t even participated in the killing.

Nevertheless, what goes around comes back around. On 19th, two men from Palek section of Anyidi Payam were killed on their way to Anyidi in the same location where two Korooi were killed. One of the deceased was nephew to paramount chief of Palek and Acting Paramount Chief of Bor County, Malaak Ayuen.

Palek youths got angered and never spared their close allies whom they used to protect when they have committed crimes against other Dinka and Nuer sections within Jonglei State.
Among the Murle who were in Anyidi, 3 were believed to have been killed. Searching for Murle extended to Bor Town and 6 more were also killed.

The government of Jonglei state would have protected the Murle from being killed by Palek youths. Unfortunately, Palek are the only people who knew where Murle were, because they were staying together in their homes as either friends or relatives. This made them to have quick access to innocent Murle whom they murdered for the crime they didn’t do. They (Palek) hosted Murle in their homes, in which government has no knowledge of which Palek is having Murle in his home. Palek themselves are the one aware of where Murle are staying. This is how Palek managed to kill a total of 9 innocent Murle without government intervention.

Your Excellence, this not the first incident between Palek and Murle, in 2020, a Palek lead Wrestler nicknamed Gatdeet was killed by Murle along Juba-Bor road in a controversial way. This angered Palek youths and wanted to kill over 70 Murle cattle traders. Thank God, Gen. Malual Majok who was commander of Mechanized division managed to rescue them by sending well armed soldiers to protect Murle until they were transferred to GPAA. The mission was possible because Murle cattle traders used to sleep in one place, so government knew their location, unlike the recent incident where Murle were scattered among Palek.

Allow me to take you back for a while, your excellence, during Hon. Philip Thon Leek’s regime, the same scenario happened. Murle criminals fought with Bor county criminals in the bushes and all the wounded were brought to Bor Hospital by the government. Bor county youths got annoyed and killed the Murle wounded people in Bor Hospital and wanted to extend their search in Murle homes. The government intervened and stopped them from further killing.

Your excellence, that one turned out to be political, they (Bor) politicized it as weaknesses of Hon. Philip Thon Leek, and if you can recalled very well, it was one of the reasons told to you by their lobbyists to relieve Hon. Philip Thon Leek and replace him with their son, Kuol Manyang.

Your excellence, I am alerting your office in advance, from my previous experience of how Hon. Philip Thon Leek was sabotaged, until he was relieved, they will also transfer this incident to the government of Denay Jock Chagor in order to sabotage his leadership and make him relieve like Hon. Philip Thon Leek. To make matters worse, Denay is from Nuer. If they falsely sabotaged their fellow Dinka Hon. Philip Thon Leek, what do you think they will do to a Nuer governor?

Your Excellence, my advice as Jonglei State citizen who love peace, please when they go to your office claiming to relieve the governor, don’t accept my President. This has now become their trick of sabotaging a governor who is not their son.

Look Mr. President in Jonglei State leadership, some of the most top positions are held by Palek;
Mayor is from Palek and he has powers within Municipality.
Deputy governor is from Bor Gok where Palek belong.
Akurdit Ngong Akurdit, the defrocked Bishop is from Palek and he was Arch Bishop of Jonglei Internal Province, he is also from Palek.
The interim Jonglei State Youth Union chairperson, Wal Alier, is from Palek.
Chairman of Bor county Youths, Dot Panchol is from Palek.
Acting Paramount Chief of Bor county, Malaak Ayuen is from Palek. All those mentioned leaders are from Palek and they are living in Bor Town where Murle were killed. How did they allow their sons to kill Murle who were staying with them? Palek leaders should first be question before the matter reach governor’s office.
Two Korooi were killed on their way to Anyidi as I mentioned before, but Korooi didn’t kill any single Murle in revenge or retaliation. But when two Palek were killed in the same road, they ended up killing Murle. What is special with their deceased that is not with Korooi??

If Bor national lobbyist stars go to your office in the name of removing Denay Jock Chagor because of Murle killing in Bor Town, please refer them back to the above mentioned leaders from Palek, how did they allow Murle to be killed in their presence?

Let them not transfer a blame on innocent able governor Denay Jock Chagor. They (Palek) were the one who hosted Murle and turned against and killed them. How does that concern the governor if I may ask? Governor was even in Juba as you know.

Your Excellence, do you know that Denay Jock Chagor is the second well performing governor after Hon. Philip Thon Leek? Denay Jock Chagor has repaired internal roads within Bor Town. Denay is doing good Mr. President don’t let enemies of progress decieve you to remove him.

To Murle of GPPA, your citizens who were murdered in Bor Town were not killed by Bor Dinka or Dinka Bor as you reported. They were killed by Palek of Anyidi Payam who are your political, social and economical allies. It is better to know who killed your peoole before staining all the names of Bor Dinka from Kolnyang up to Duk county.

By: Concern citizen of Jonglei State.

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