Our global impact

Last edited 9 December 2010 at 6:38pm

The environmental problems we’re facing are global in nature; the world's atmosphere, oceans, ancient forests and biodiversity are global commons, and their destruction affects the world as a whole. We believe that our work to defend the natural world and promote peace needs to happen globally, across regional and national borders.

An international organisation

Greenpeace is an international organisation: we have 28 national and regional offices around the world, providing a presence in over 40 countries, as well as an international office in Amsterdam. National and regional offices (like Greenpeace UK) work within their own local countries to carry out jointly agreed global campaign strategies, which are coordinated by Greenpeace International to make sure we have a truly global impact. Read more.

Our ships

Our fleet of ships is a unique asset in the struggle to save the planet and protect the global commons. Our ships are used at the forefront of Greenpeace campaigning, often sailing to remote areas to bear witness and take action against environmental destruction, or to investigate the imacts that environmental abuse is having on biodiversity and communities around the world. Read more.

Our supporters

We have 2.8 million supporters worldwide, who are all helping to create a green and peaceful world. They lobby decision-makers in their own countries, donate money to support our global campaigns, campaign locally, fundraise for us, and put their freedom on the line. In short, they are responsible for every campaign success we’ve ever won. You can join them here.

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