Watch out for the Alien Invasion

Last edited 6 October 2003 at 8:00am

Eddie Izzard in the Greenpeace film Alien Invasion

Eddie Izzard in the Greenpeace film Alien Invasion

Watch out - the aliens are coming! But will they be interested in a planet where humans have ruined the environment and endangered wildlife with toxic pollution, decimated rainforests, overfished oceans and runaway climate change?

Eddie Izzard, Jim Broadbent and Joe McFadden star in a sci-fi film like no other. After you've watched it, find out how you can help prevent our home planet turning into a crap sandwich.

Download the film by right-clicking on one of these links and selecting 'Save link as...'

Windows Media Large | Small

Quicktime Large | Small

MPEG Large

Download the press kit (.zip)

It's not too late to prove the aliens are wrong. A host of problems threaten our fragile planet, but there are answers to each and every one of them.

  • We need clean, renewable energy and greater energy efficiency: reducing our greenhouse gas emissions has to be our number one priority and we already have the technology to do it.
    What you can do
  • We need to safeguard our remaining forests: not only are they home to a bewildering variety of species, many of which are endangered, they also play a vital role in regulating our climate.
    What you can do
  • We need to protect our seas and oceans: establishing a global network of marine reserves will help fish recover from overfishing and other destructive fishing practices such as bottom-trawling.
    What you can do
  • We need to stop the use of toxic chemicals: removing harmful chemicals from our environment and working towards a future with zero waste means we'll be protecting our own health as well as the planet's.
    What you can do
  • We need to use sustainable farming practices: producing enough food to feed the planet relies on a healthy environment, and can be done without using GM crops.
    What you can do
  • We need to promote peaceful solutions in areas of conflict: controlling the proliferation of nuclear weapons and opposing a new generation of 'usable' nuclear missiles.
    What you can do
  • We need to look after our planet: it's the only one we've got. Greenpeace doesn't take money from governments or companies, so we rely on support from individuals. Make a donation so we can continue our work.

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