What you can do about climate change

Last edited 15 November 2006 at 1:18pm

We can stop catastrophic climate change. We know what causes it, we have the technologies to prevent it, and there's a rapidly growing understanding of just how urgent the need for action is.

All that's missing is the action itself.

The government needs to put in place meaningful policies to urgently reduce emissions - and to act on them immediately. We need your help to persuade them. Together, we can stop climate chaos.

BP rebranded

Help rebrand BP

Three months ago we asked you to create a more appropriate logo for BP than a shiny green sunflower. Now you've chosen one. It's a logo that reflects the tragic consequences of the company's reckless determination to extract oil at any cost.

Take action

Make your town climate friendly

Make your town climate friendly

While the dinosaurs in Whitehall cling to our criminally wasteful energy system, pioneering local councils around the UK are transforming our energy system. Visit EfficienCity and then ask your local council to take the leap into a genuinely clean and efficient energy future.

Greenpeace at the Range Rover factory in Solihull

Support us

All of our money comes from individual donations; we couldn't promote the solutions to climate change or fight the causes without your support.

Support us

take the train instead of flying

Your guide to saving the climate

This new brochure from our international office is being published around the world to show how we can protect the climate. From how singing in the shower can help save the climate, to modern, efficient electricity and heat distribution - you'll find all the answers here.

Take action

SCC logo

Sign up to Stop Climate Chaos

Over 70 environmental and development organisations, with a combined membership of more then 4 million, have come together to stop climate chaos.

Take action

Climate change

Help spread the word

Please help us to spread the word about the true solutions to climate change like decentralised energy

Link to: http://www.greenpeace.org.uk/climate from your website or blog.

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