
Video: Esperanza to climb team, over

Posted by jamie — 2 September 2010 at 3:46pm - Comments

This was the scene on the Esperanza's bridge as Luke called through to Sim on the Stena Don for the last time, as the climbers prepared to leave the oil rig. Apologies for the audio which is a bit fuzzy, but here's a transcript:

Video: Free the Tokyo Two

Posted by bex — 4 July 2008 at 11:49am - Comments

Our activist friends, Junichi and Toru, are still behind bars: 23 days without charge after exposing a whale meat smuggling scandal.

A huge thanks to all 200,000 plus of you who've written to Japan's prime minister to free them - let's keep up the pressure!

And keep an eye on the latest count, updated hourly:

VIDEO: 'All the support we received made it more bearable'

Posted by jamie — 28 December 2013 at 11:09am - Comments

Just after arriving back in London yesterday from Russia, Phil recorded this message about what all the support from around the world meant to him and the rest of the Arctic 30.

And one thank you is never enough. Here are other members of the Arctic 30 expressing their gratitude for everything you've done to support them.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Arctic in London with amazing 3D projection ft. Jason Mraz and Ezra Miller

Posted by Nic S — 25 April 2013 at 5:12pm - Comments

Last Saturday, the Arctic arrived in the UK. The I ♥ Arctic global day of action saw more than 10,000 of us around the world, in more than 280 cities, come together in a declaration of love for the Arctic. The day culminated in a massive effort from amazing volunteers and donated equipment, in the production of the biggest Arctic landscape the streets of London have ever seen - testament to the collective creativity of passionate people.

VIDEO: going live and shutting down Shell

Posted by jamie — 16 July 2012 at 3:00pm - Comments

It's not often you get to be part of a major piece of activism and a 12-hour live broadcast at the same time. But that's exactly what's been happening today.

While sqauds of volunteers close down Shell petrol stations in Edinburgh and London, a team of presenters, camera operators, vision mixers and editors (with one person often covering many of those roles!) have been running a special online TV channel from the Greenpeace warehouse in north London.

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