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Last edited 21 October 2003 at 8:00am
Milk maidens at Sainsbury's

Milk maidens at Sainsbury's

Our Active Supporters help to deliver Greenpeace campaigns by raising awareness, funds and support. As an Active Supporter, you will be encouraged to participate in a wide range of Greenpeace activities.

Greenpeace's Active Supporter network is made up of over 90 campaign networks across the UK. More than 6,500 volunteers, from a wide variety of backgrounds, bring different skills and interests to these networks.

Active Supporters have the opportunity to get involved with Greenpeace in many ways. For example, writing to your local MP, conducting tours of the Rainbow Warrior, helping out at Glastonbury and participating in non-violent direct actions.

Active Supporters are currently playing a crucial role in rolling out our 'Scary in the Dairy' campaign, which aims to force supermarkets to change their position on GM animal feed.

Learn more about becoming an active supporter
If you're interested in becoming an Active Supporter, but would like to know more, visit www.greenpeaceactive.org.uk. This site is dedicated to and written by Active Supporters. Here you'll find out more about what it means to get active with Greenpeace in the UK.

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