
Last edited 29 November 2010 at 12:00pm

Climate-wrecking plans for a third runway at Heathrow airport have been axed. In a huge victory in the fight for genuine action against catastrophic climate change, the coalition government has cancelled the project. Which means that Airplot, the piece of land slap bang in the middle of the proposed third runway site at Heathrow and collectively owned by tens of thousands of people from around the world, probably won't now be needed.

Campaign updates

Change your ticket, not the climate

Greenpeace volunteers set up a climate ticket exchange in Gatwick airport Passengers queuing for BA's first domestic flight between Gatwick and Newquay are...
Posted by bex - 22 March, 2007 - 15:08

Flying in the face of reason?

Climate change - you can't open a paper or watch the news without banging your head against it, right? So obviously the message is getting through - our...
Posted by jamie - 21 March, 2007 - 18:39

Blowing more hot air

A year late - the government announced the results of their review of climate change initiatives today and told us what we already knew. They are not going to...
Posted by bex - 28 March, 2006 - 09:00

Pledge action against airport expansion

airport expansion pledge logoAs autumn sets in and winter looms, many begin contemplating a winter getaway and sandy beaches. But this growing trend is...
Posted by bex - 8 October, 2004 - 08:00

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