
Last edited 29 November 2010 at 12:00pm

Climate-wrecking plans for a third runway at Heathrow airport have been axed. In a huge victory in the fight for genuine action against catastrophic climate change, the coalition government has cancelled the project. Which means that Airplot, the piece of land slap bang in the middle of the proposed third runway site at Heathrow and collectively owned by tens of thousands of people from around the world, probably won't now be needed.

Campaign updates

Pictures from Heathrow

A few pictures from today's plane-top protest at Heathrow: Hanging the banner on the tailfin © Greenpeace Climate emergency - no third runway ©...
Posted by bex - 25 February, 2008 - 14:48 -

Virgin's biofuel flight is all spin and greenwash

With all the excitement happening today at Terminal One, it's worth remembering that yesterday was another eventful one in Heathrow's calendar as a Virgin...
Posted by jamie - 25 February, 2008 - 14:28 -

The case against airport expansion: a briefing

The case against airport expansion - why airport expansion will make it impossible for the UK to play its part in tackling climate change.
Posted by bex - 25 February, 2008 - 12:48

Climate campaigners bring peaceful protest to Heathrow

Climate emergency - no third runway As the banner on top of this London - Manchester flight says, we're in the middle of a climate emergency. The...
Posted by bex - 25 February, 2008 - 11:41 -

Stop Heathrow expansion: dates for your diary

A third runway at Heathrow will mean the imminent arrival of more noise, pollution and climate change The end of the Heathrow stitch up consultation is...
Posted by bex - 22 February, 2008 - 16:02 -

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