Protect the Amazon rainforest

Last edited 22 October 2010 at 3:03pm

As the largest remaining rainforest on Earth, the Amazon rainforest is one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world; almost half of all known species live in the Amazon. Sadly, it's also experiencing one of the highest rates of deforestation on the planet. While our Amazon campaign has had some remarkable successes over the past few years, there is still much more to do to protect the Amazon.

Campaign updates

The Soya Moratorium is protecting the Amazon. Does Cargill still support it?

Cargill just pledged to protect the world’s forests - but an eight-year truce that protects the Amazon from soya farming is in trouble. Cargill is one of the...
Posted by Richardg - 24 September, 2014 - 19:08

Result: Jewson takes Amazon timber off the shelves and launches investigation

The timber merchant Jewson - the only high street store where you can buy Amazon timber - has agreed to put all sales on hold while it investigates its...
Posted by Richardg - 13 June, 2014 - 12:43

Brazil's Federal Prosecutor takes action against criminal loggers

Last month we exposed the scams that loggers in the Brazilian Amazon are using to launder illegal timber. Now the Federal Prosecutor has taken action to stamp...
Posted by Richardg - 9 June, 2014 - 11:45

Jewson says it trusts its Amazon timber suppliers - but it won't once it reads this

Jewson is selling timber from the Amazon - where more than half the logging is illegal. Jewson says it trusts its suppliers, but we thought we'd investigate...
Posted by Richardg - 24 May, 2014 - 09:58

We're taking action to stop loggers plundering the Amazon

After two years investigating illegal logging in the Brazilian Amazon, we're taking action to stop it. Here's the story so far.
Posted by Richardg - 15 May, 2014 - 19:07

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