Protect the Amazon rainforest

Last edited 22 October 2010 at 3:03pm

As the largest remaining rainforest on Earth, the Amazon rainforest is one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world; almost half of all known species live in the Amazon. Sadly, it's also experiencing one of the highest rates of deforestation on the planet. While our Amazon campaign has had some remarkable successes over the past few years, there is still much more to do to protect the Amazon.

Campaign updates

Valentino proves that 'green' is the new 'black'

At the start of November, we threw down the gauntlet to 15 top Italian and French luxury fashion brands. We challenged them to clean up their products by...
Posted by Richardg - 8 February, 2013 - 14:03 -

Tesco drove Amazon deforestation through its beef sourcing

The cattle industry is known to be the biggest cause of deforestation globally and it has now come to light that Tesco has driven this problem through its beef...
Posted by Fran G - 6 June, 2012 - 09:40 -

Tesco drove Amazon deforestation through its beef sourcing

The cattle industry is known to be the biggest cause of deforestation globally and it has now come to light that Tesco has driven this problem through its beef...
Posted by Fran G - 6 June, 2012 - 09:40 -
Jaguar in the Amazon rainforest

President Dilma - veto this Amazon forest code hatchet job

Following years of intense pressure from the agribusiness sector, Brazil's parliament yesterday afternoon approved sweeping reforms to the country's forest...
Posted by bex - 26 April, 2012 - 13:51 -
Jaguar in the Amazon rainforest

President Dilma - veto this Amazon forest code hatchet job

Following years of intense pressure from the agribusiness sector, Brazil's parliament yesterday afternoon approved sweeping reforms to the country's forest...
Posted by bex - 26 April, 2012 - 13:51 -

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