Protect the Amazon rainforest

Last edited 22 October 2010 at 3:03pm

As the largest remaining rainforest on Earth, the Amazon rainforest is one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world; almost half of all known species live in the Amazon. Sadly, it's also experiencing one of the highest rates of deforestation on the planet. While our Amazon campaign has had some remarkable successes over the past few years, there is still much more to do to protect the Amazon.

Campaign updates

The Amazon's Silent Crisis

The timber industry in the Brazilian Amazon is currently a key driver of forest degradation and a catalyst for deforestation. Logging, particularly for...
Posted by jamie - 15 May, 2014 - 17:04

In pictures: the silent crisis in the Amazon

Today Greenpeace published a 2-year investigation that shows how the logging industry threatens the Amazon rainforest. These photos show the illegal logging...
Posted by Angela Glienicke - 15 May, 2014 - 16:31

Why is Jewson selling timber that's been plundered from the Amazon?

Illegal logging is the norm in the Brazilian Amazon, where timber laundering - covering illegal timber with phony papers - happens on an industrial scale. So...
Posted by Richardg - 15 May, 2014 - 12:23

Why is Jewson selling timber that's been plundered from the Amazon?

Illegal logging is the norm in the Brazilian Amazon, where timber laundering - covering illegal timber with phony papers - happens on an industrial scale. So...
Posted by Richardg - 15 May, 2014 - 12:23

Exposed: how loggers plunder the Amazon and get away with it

For two years, Greenpeace has been investigating logging in the Brazilian Amazon. We found that criminals were ransacking the forest - and that the systems set...
Posted by Richardg - 14 May, 2014 - 17:54

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