Global actions challenge Apple to Clean Our Cloud!

Posted by petespeller — 26 April 2012 at 2:46pm - Comments
'Clean our cloud' poster in the window of Apple's London store
All rights reserved. Credit: Pete Speller/Greenpeace
'Clean our cloud' poster in the window of Apple's London store

Yesterday, Greenpeace volunteers took the Clean Our Cloud message directly to Apple flagship stores around the world. From San Fransisco to Hong Kong, Sydney to Budapest, Apple stores were flooded with coal apples, cleaning crews, balloons and banners - all calling on Apple to Clean Our Cloud!

At the flagship store on Regents Street in London, Greenpeace volunteers started by posing questions to the 'Geniuses' at the Genius Bar - or support desk to non-Apple users. Most of the staff were unable to answer questions, and the manager referred people to the iCloud website where you can submit feedback.

Later in the day teams deployed banners covering the windows that read: "iCloud Pollution. Automatic. Everywhere." Others handed out apples made from coal to customers and staff in the store. The final wave of volunteers snuck into the store incognito and went around loading up the Clean Our Cloud action page on the display iMacs, Macbooks and iPads in the store. The staff were visibly confused by the page appearing evyerwhere - they closed the page on one computer only for it to appear on three others behind them!

Apple's iCloud is based in huge data centres that draw massive amounts of energy. Our report, How Clean is Your Cloud, shows how their new data centre in Maiden, North Carolina will require huge amounts of energy, mostly coming from dirty coal power.

Apple cares what you think, so now it's time to tell them to ditch coal and power the cloud with clean renewable energy.

Take action and call on Apple to clean our cloud!

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