A week of Volkswagen activism

Posted by Richard Martin — 14 September 2011 at 12:52pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Vicki Couchman
Volunteers cover a VW display model inside the Colindale dealership

In June a small group of Greenpeace volunteers and activists launched our campaign against Volkswagen hijacking London’s largest ad space. A week ago hundreds of Greenpeace volunteers launched a wave of activism across the UK and Europe.

On Thursday as climbers scaled VW’s headquarters in Germany UK activists projected a massive message onto the side of London’s Battersea power station where Volkswagen was participating in a green car show.

The next wave hit on Saturday morning, as teams of UK volunteers visited VW dealerships in London, Bristol, Birmingham, Leeds, Newcastle and Glasgow. While volunteers inside the dealerships covered display models with black car covers others rebranded the VW totem poll, explaining the campaign to potential customers.

Thousands of you then joined us for the protests submitting messages via our interactive map, and Twitter. Throughout the weekend many of you were inspired to visit your local VW dealership, to speak to the manager about your concerns and to deliver your views as a letter.

On Sunday night and Monday morning, the rest of the active supporter network swung into action, with small teams visiting dealerships in 47 towns and cities across the UK. Keeping things simple we once again delivered our message as letters to the manager and as leaflets for the customers pinned under windscreen wipers.

The Greenpeace/active webpages are buzzing with stories of the week of activities, and if you’re interested in what Greenpeace supporters have been up to please have a look around.

While Volkswagen refuses to meet Greenpeace [in German], and continues to lobby against cuts to CO2 emissions, the campaign will continue and will grow. We need your help to make this happens, so please get involved, and tell your friends too.

Together we can turn Volkswagen away from the Darkside - and may the Force be with you.

About Richard Martin

I work here at Greenpeace as a digital network developer. 

{need to update this}

And in my spare time I am a Greenpeace activist, an average (but rusty) climber, a reasonable boat driver and an occasional deck hand. I rarely sleep

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