Greenpeace Blog

VW: pioneering anti-social media

Posted by jamess — 10 January 2012 at 2:20pm - Comments

After ignoring well over 1,000 comments on its Facebook pages, Volkswagen has found a new tactic: deleting them.

VW: what a social media fail looks like

Posted by jamess — 4 January 2012 at 10:44pm - Comments

What I love about social media is that you can’t fake it.

For all the hundreds of millions of dollars companies like Volkswagen pump into their advertising machines (for VW it’s a cool £1.5bn every year) they can’t crack social media. And that’s down to one simple reason: they fear honesty. 

VW: Return of the Brian (video)

Posted by jamess — 22 December 2011 at 12:09pm - Comments
Watch the final episode of Brian the Stormtrooper - ex-VW employee
by. Credit: Greenpeace
Scroll down to watch the final episode of Brian the Stormtrooper - ex-VW employee

It's the end of the road for one of our campaign legends: Brian.

Only six months ago, Brian was working for the Dark Side - an anonymous Volkswagen employee only concerned with getting through his day job. He took orders from his superiors without questioning them. He did what he was told.

But then – suddenly - everything changed.

That was 2011: we couldn't have done it without you

Posted by jamie — 21 December 2011 at 2:55pm - Comments
The winter solstice is as good a time as any to look back over the last 11-and-a-bit months that were 2011. And what a year it's been, not just for us here in the office but for all our supporters and volunteers who've kept our campaigns going.

APP pulps trees from its own tiger sanctuary. How dumb is that?

Posted by ianduff — 16 December 2011 at 4:04pm - Comments
Forest and peatland clearance inside APP's Senepis tiger sanctuary
All rights reserved. Credit: Eyes on the Forest/WW Indonesia
This was APP's Senepis Tiger Sanctuary, until one of APP's suppliers cut down the trees

Asia Pulp and Paper – the company doing so much to jeopardise the future of Indonesia's rainforests – has done some pretty stupid things in the past. But pulping the trees in its own tiger sanctuary is astonishingly dumb.

And yet that's exactly what APP has done.

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