Greenpeace Blog

VW film competition: classic Greenpeace films - Nestle

Posted by Richardg — 19 August 2011 at 11:15am - Comments

Picture the scene: you're revving up to enter our Volkswagen film competition, to expose its dirty lobbying against strong climate change laws. But you need some inspiration to get the creative juices flowing. So how about reviewing some of our classic films for campaigns gone by?

After last week's ancient forests epic, we’re sticking with the forests theme with Give The Orang-utan A Break.

Shell: "Something has gone wrong here"

Posted by bex — 18 August 2011 at 3:55pm - Comments
North Sea drilling platform Neddrill 7, co-chartered by Shell and Esso (1991)
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace / Klaus Radetzki
North Sea drilling platform Neddrill 7, co-chartered by Shell and Esso (1991)

Shell has apologised for the North Sea oil spill and for its own lack of transparency saying: "The fact is something has gone wrong here, so whatever risk assessment we made about the condition of these pipes has proven to be wrong."

'You are just scum': APP staff resort to personal insults about Greenpeace campaigners

Posted by jamie — 18 August 2011 at 12:48pm -
Advert placed by APP subsidiary Solaris in Australian newspapers
All rights reserved. Credit: Solaris
Advert placed by APP subsidiary Solaris in Australian newspapers (via Mumbrella)

One of Asia Pulp and Paper's Australian companies has been caught in an embarrassing PR incident, in which clumsy personal attacks on Greenpeace campaigners and others have been traced back to its staff.

Same fish, new business model

Posted by simon clydesdale — 17 August 2011 at 5:40pm - Comments

The hubbub has now died down since we announced that John West’s shift completed a clean sweep of change among major players in the UK tuna market. And it’s been a week since Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s Fish Fight: The Battle Continues reinforced this message, making people think about how we use and need to protect the extraordinary resources of the waters that dominate this globe.

Slideshow: the end of the Rainbow... for now

Posted by jamie — 17 August 2011 at 12:28pm - Comments

Yesterday's handover ceremony for the Rainbow Warrior II was an emotional affair. As you can see from the images above, one or two tears were shed as she was handed over to her new owners.

With the Rainbow Warrior II renamed Rongdhonu and sailing off for a new career as a medical vessel, the launch of her replacement - Rainbow Warrior III - is imminent. We're still raising funds for our new vessel so please make a donation to keep a rainbow campaigning on the ocean waves.

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