Greenpeace Blog

Biggest fine in maritime history for Spanish fishing barons in UK

Posted by Ariana Densham — 26 July 2012 at 5:00pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: © Greenpeace
Vidal family members arrive in court

I don’t know what I expected notorious Spanish fishing barons to look like. Strapping and medallioned, with deep tans and fancy wrist watches? Or sinewy, wiry and sly? In any case, the four defendants (three men and one woman) looked like fairly normal folk, if a little perplexed by the throngs of local and national media wielding cameras and questions outside the Truro Courthouse in Cornwall.

Will Nick Clegg stand up for the Climate Change Act and stop the dash for gas?

Posted by Richardg — 26 July 2012 at 11:15am - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Steve Morgan / Greenpeace
Davey and Clegg need to commit to carbon-free electricity by 2030

The future of the UK's energy supply - and our ability to hold back climate change emissions in Britain - is hanging in the balance. Nick Clegg and the Lib Dems must intervene to protect the Climate Change Act from George Osborne and his mates in the gas lobby.

It's crunch time for the climate

Posted by Richardg — 23 July 2012 at 10:08am - Comments
New wind turbines are constructed at the Butterwick Moor Wind Farm.
All rights reserved. Credit: Steve Morgan / Greenpeace
New wind turbines are constructed at the Butterwick Moor Wind Farm.

The Chancellor’s assault on our climate must stop. It’s time for David Cameron and Nick Clegg to intervene and stop him.

Today, the world calls Shell

Posted by Nic S — 20 July 2012 at 11:02am - Comments

Oh to be a fly on the wall of a Shell boardroom this week! Activists all round the world have been taking action to #TellShell to get out of the Arctic. Despite Greenpeace Netherlands taking over Shell’s headquarters, Greenpeace UK activists shutting down 78 of the company’s petrol stations, Greenpeace France and Mexico occupying their offices, petrol station actions in Denmark, Finland, Hungary and the Czech Republic and Greenpeace Argentina sending 35 climbers to shut down its refinery outside of Argentina, Shell still hasn’t got the message.

The Lake District is no place to bury nuclear waste

Posted by Richardg — 19 July 2012 at 11:35am - Comments
RWE Nuclear powerstation
All rights reserved. Credit: Paul Langrock / Zenit / Greenpeace

The radioactive waste produced by nuclear power remains harmful for tens or hundreds of thousands of years. The government is desperate for a solution – but burying it under the Lake District isn’t the answer.