Greenpeace Blog

75% of Arctic sea ice has been lost - and why this is important

Posted by jamie — 14 June 2012 at 12:39pm - Comments
Walrus on an iceflow, with Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise in the background
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace / Daniel Beltra
Arctic sea ice is shrinking rapidly

After the Observer magazine cover story about our Arctic campaign, there was a flurry of interest around the statistic that we've lost 75% of the Arctic sea ice since 1979. Here's Peter Wadhams, Professor of Ocean Physics at Cambridge University, on why he thinks the 75% figure is correct.

Time for KFC to come clean on APP!

Posted by ianduff — 12 June 2012 at 4:51pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Kirstie Wielandt
Greenpeace activists campaigning at a KFC restaurant

Since we launched the campaign three weeks ago to get KFC to cut deforestation out of its supply chain, there is little evidence that the Colonel is serious about cleaning up his act. The company continues to deny it has a problem, so we think the time has come to show you just how misleading KFC’s public statement is.

Make sure the fisheries minister delivers a fair deal on fish law reform

Posted by Willie — 11 June 2012 at 1:38pm - Comments

Last Friday was World Oceans Day. Being an oceans campaigner that, on one hand, means a lot – but on the other it begs the question of why the rest of the world doesn’t think about oceans all the other days, like I do!?

Tesco drove Amazon deforestation through its beef sourcing

Posted by Fran G — 6 June 2012 at 9:40am - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: © Greenpeace / Daniel Beltrá
Cattle Farm in the Amazon

The cattle industry is known to be the biggest cause of deforestation globally and it has now come to light that Tesco has driven this problem through its beef sourcing.

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