Greenpeace Blog

LIVE: We're stopping Arctic oil drilling!

Posted by jamess — 29 May 2011 at 9:49am - Comments

UPDATE: The Danish Navy has arrested our activists and seized the Pod after nearly 100 hours stopping Arctic drilling

This morning we started taking direct action against the world's most controversial oil rig: Cairn Energy's Arctic driller, the 53,000 tonne Leiv Eiriksson, which was hours away from its drill site in Iceberg Alley off Greenland.

Tax breaks for riskiest oil drilling?

Posted by Richardg — 27 May 2011 at 5:45pm - Comments

There’s a dangerous storm brewing in the North Sea. But this is no natural disaster - it’s been whipped up by oil and gas companies lobbying for a major tax cut.

In the Budget, the Chancellor, George Osborne, announced a fuel duty stabiliser. When oil prices were high – over $75 a barrel to be precise – he’d cut taxes on motoring, and tax oil companies instead. When oil prices dropped below $75 a barrel, he’d whack a tax on fuel, but give oil companies a break. 

Video: Paula bears down on reckless oil drillers Cairn Energy

Posted by jamie — 27 May 2011 at 5:26pm - Comments

We took Paula Bear down to Cairn Energy's HQ yesterday to block their entrance and demand their oil spill response plan.

We learned this week from confidential government documents that an oil spill in the Arctic would be all but impossible to clear up. Yet Cairn say they've got a spill response plan for the Arctic environment. Only thing is, they won't let anyone see it.

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