Greenpeace Blog

Join the rebellion and turn VW away from the dark side

Posted by jamie — 28 June 2011 at 6:18am - Comments
VW The Dark Side
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
VW has joined the Dark Side. Join the rebellion to bring the company back

It’s not every day you’re called to step up in defence of your planet – but today is one of those days. A few moments ago we launched a new global campaign to change Volkswagen by turning them away from the Dark Side, and we need your help.

Despite the green image it likes to portray, VW is at the heart of a group of companies lobbying against new laws which we need to cut CO2 emissions, reduce our oil use and protect places like the Arctic from climate change.

Only a rebellion can stop them – a mass of people from all across the globe –demanding that they change. We need you to be part of that rebellion.

Create a new look for Barbie's latest career - rainforest destroyer!

Posted by jamie — 27 June 2011 at 10:37am - Comments
Scary Chainsaw Barbie
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
Barbie needs a new look to go with her new career

Thanks for all the Barbie reviews posted on Amazon - there were some excellent comments. The moderators have since removed them, but they'll have given Mattel something else to think about. Mattel has created many careers for Barbie over the years - vet, fashion designer, architect - but this latest career move as rainforest destroyer means she needs a whole new look.

Photo essay: Oil on Lubicon Land

Posted by bex — 23 June 2011 at 10:32am - Comments

From deepwater drilling in the Arctic to the Tar Sands in Canada, oil companies are going to ever greater extremes to squeeze the last drops of oil from the Earth. And where oil companies pile in, environmental destruction follows.

Rate and review Barbie's dirty deforestation habits

Posted by jamie — 22 June 2011 at 5:48pm - Comments
Barbie deforestation reviews on Amazon
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
Review Barbie's deforestation performance on Amazon

There's no doubt about it, Mattel is under pressure.

Your email to the CEO, highlighting Barbie's dirty deforestation habit, has shown that toying with Indonesia's rainforests is not playing fair.

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