Greenpeace Blog

Want to show your opposition to fracking? Get started with these materials and resources

Posted by Richard Casson — 25 August 2015 at 6:51pm - Comments

Have you ever wanted to show your opposition to fracking by putting up a poster in your window at home? Or need some tips on explaining the risks of fracking to a friend? The resources on this page will help you get started. Click the links below to download each one, or you can share other useful links in the comments section below.


'I'm not backing fracking' poster (download PDF 358 Kb)

In pictures: Hey Honey, Bees make so much more than that

Posted by Angela Glienicke — 22 August 2015 at 9:45am - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: © Axel Kirchhof / Greenpeace
Bee and blossoms

Bees are amazing little creatures, they have been around for more than 30 million years, their wings beat 190 times a second and they communicate by smells and performing special dances.

Big Blue Love for Big Blue Live

Posted by Willie — 21 August 2015 at 2:42pm - Comments

Something amazing is happening in Monterey Bay, California. The bay is a marine sanctuary, on the edge of the Pacific Ocean, halfway between San Francisco and Los Angeles. The bay is home to an amazing array of wildlife: everything from cute, cuddly sea otters to prehistoric pelicans, from massive kelp forests to gigantic blue whales. But the big news is that BBC is kindly bringing all of this right into your living room with a massive live TV event called Big Blue Live.

Local power to the local people

Posted by Graham Thompson — 13 August 2015 at 11:58am - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: BBC
There's nothing for you here.

Greenpeace think that energy policy the world over should be localised and democratised. Not only is it more efficient to generate power near where it’s going to be used, but giving communities some control over their power supply has numerous other advantages, many of which are being smugly illustrated on a daily basis by Germany.

Big win for the Reef: Standard Chartered choses coral over coal!

Posted by sebastianbock — 11 August 2015 at 5:52pm - Comments

What a week! Writing this feels a bit like a deja-vu. Why? Because that’s exactly what we said last week when news broke that Australia’s Federal Court had overturned the approval of one of the world’s biggest coal mining projects. Only to be followed by Australia’s biggest bank calling it quits on the project on the same day.

Coal is old news. Renewables will tackle energy poverty, says Oxfam

Posted by habelvik — 31 July 2015 at 1:42pm - Comments
Children in Dharnai Village in IndiaChildren sit under solar panels at Bishunpur
All rights reserved. Credit: © Vivek M. / Greenpeace

Ah, the black stuff. The fuel of the great industrial revolution (er, that was so two centuries ago - Ed), many still see it as the future for development.

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