
Local power to the local people

Posted by Graham Thompson — 13 August 2015 at 11:58am - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: BBC
There's nothing for you here.

Greenpeace think that energy policy the world over should be localised and democratised. Not only is it more efficient to generate power near where it’s going to be used, but giving communities some control over their power supply has numerous other advantages, many of which are being smugly illustrated on a daily basis by Germany.

Government survey demolishes industry claims of widespread support for fracking

Last edited 12 August 2014 at 11:40am
12 August, 2014

Claims by the fracking industry that shale drilling enjoys widespread public backing in Britain have been dealt a blow today as a fresh government survey showed less than a quarter (24%) of the UK public support shale drilling. 

The latest figures from the Department for Energy and Climate Change 'Public Attitudes Tracker' published today show public endorsement for fracking dropped 5 points from 29% back in March.

The findings are widely at odds with the results of a survey published by UK Onshore Oil and Gas - the lobby body for the fracking industry - on Monday, which put public support for shale drilling at a wildly optimistic 57%.  

Commenting on the survey published today, Greenpeace UK chief scientist Dr Doug Parr said:

Is Britain up for shale?

Posted by Graham Thompson — 28 July 2014 at 5:49pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
Osborne's new solution to the housing bubble.

In twenty years’ time, when Britain is transformed into a green and pleasant Texas with oil and gas fracking wells on every corner, you may find yourself asking ‘when exactly did we agree to let this happen?’ Well, the answer is today. The 28th of July, 2014 saw our government announce the fourteenth licensing round and put Britain up for shale. Is this something you need to worry about? We think so.

Three quarters of UK Cabinet sitting on potential fracking sites

Last edited 28 July 2014 at 11:31am
28 July, 2014

More than three quarters of cabinet ministers’ constituencies and 77 per cent of Tory target seats for the 2015 election campaign have been opened up for fracking in a new round of onshore licensing, new analysis reveals. The licences also cover freshwater aquifers, 10 national parks and even major cities.

As ministers announced today the launch of the 14th onshore licensing round, Greenpeace’s Energydesk published a series of tables and maps highlighting the potential environmental and political impacts of this development (click here for the political analysis, and here for the analysis of national parks and water).

Millions of UK homes in fracking postcode lottery

Last edited 28 July 2014 at 11:08am

Greenpeace respond to 14th licensing round

27 July, 2014

Commenting on reports that the Government will announce the start of the 14th onshore licensing round tomorrow, Greenpeace UK Energy Campaigner Louise Hutchins said:


"The Government has fired the starting gun on a reckless race for shale that could see fracking rigs go up across the British countryside, including in sensitive areas such as those covering major aquifers. Eric Pickles' supposed veto power over drilling in national parks will do nothing to quell the disquiet of fracking opponents across Britain. Ministers waited until the parliamentary recess to make their move, no doubt aware of the political headache this will cause to MPs whose constituencies will be affected.

Greenpeace launch of "live" fracking report

Posted by kcumming — 16 December 2013 at 6:58pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: les stone/ greenpeace
Fracking for natural gas in Pennsylvania

Fracking - three years ago most people hadn't even heard of it. Today it's in our papers, our politics and potentially our backyards. The pro-frackers accuse the anti-frackers of misinformation and vice versa. Figures about well numbers, truck movements, jobs and revenue tend to vary wildly. No one has yet gone back and done an assessment of all the evidence. Until now.

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