Greenpeace Blog

A word of explanation

Posted by jamie — 26 September 2006 at 8:00am - Comments

If there isn't already a maxim warning against making rash decisions in the pub after a few pints, then there should be. It's as a result of a slightly drunken conversation a couple of weeks ago in the garden of the Canonbury Tavern (nice beers, terrible terrible service) that this blog has seen the light of day several months earlier than expected.

What we made: a nuclear wasteland

Posted by bex — 26 September 2006 at 8:00am - Comments

London rapper Example doesn't just take his music to the edge - he also takes it to deserted, radioactively contaminated post-nuclear zones. Now he's released a documentary about his journey to Chernobyl, explaining why he thinks the future shouldn't be nuclear.

"I don't think anyone who's been here can be for nuclear power," says rapper Example, looking around at empty cots and babies' gas masks in a disintegrating schoolroom near Chernobyl.

Finland joins the Golden Chainsaw hall of infamy

Posted by jamie — 25 September 2006 at 8:00am - Comments


Finland joins the Golden Chainsaw hall of infamy

The Golden Chainsaws are becoming something of a Greenpeace tradition. They're not annual, they're not voted for by a secret cabal of society members, but when it comes to wanton destruction of forest landscapes, they ensure the efforts of those responsible do not go unremarked.

The climate doctor will see you now

Posted by jamie — 23 September 2006 at 8:00am - Comments

Part of the Climate Clinic blog 

Climate Clinic logoThese are the people who are shaping our lives and the world around us. We should all be getting in there, getting involved and getting excited about the political process once more.

Food Standards Authority faces legal action over GM rice in UK supermarkets

Posted by jamie — 18 September 2006 at 8:00am - Comments

The rice contamination scandal continues to grow but the Food Standards Agency isn't enforcing the law

It never rains but it pours, and the scandal of US rice contaminated with an illegal genetically modified (GM) variety shows no signs of slowing down. In the latest twist, Friends of the Earth has indicated it intends to launch legal proceedings against the Food Standards Authority (FSA) after finding contaminated rice on sale in UK supermarkets.

One fifth of US rice contaminated with illegal GM strain

Posted by jamie — 14 September 2006 at 8:00am - Comments
'Genetic engineering - hands off', the label says on a plate of rice contaminated with an illegal GM variety

'Genetic engineering - hands off', the label says on a plate of rice contaminated with an illegal GM variety

Up to one fifth of rice entering the EU is contaminated with an illegal genetically modified (GM) strain from the US. Those are the findings of the European Commission's own investigation into EU rice imports, following the admission in August by the US government that untested strains of GM rice had entered the food chain.

Climate change: the untold story

Posted by bex — 13 September 2006 at 8:00am - Comments

A UN jeep driving through flood water

It has facts, it has suspense, it even has Futurama clips: Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth launches in the UK today, bringing with it mind-blowing descriptions of the destruction facing earth unless we pull our acts together in the next 10 years.