Airplot legal owners

Last edited 12 January 2009 at 11:07pm

The plot of land within the site of the proposed third runway at Heathrow can only have four legal owners on the deed, but you can join the plot as a beneficial owner and help stop airport expansion.

As a beneficial owner you'll be included in a legal declaration of trust and are represented in any legal fight for the land by the four purchasers of the land. The owners including Greenpeace UK are:

Alistair McGowan

Alistair is a comedian, impressionist and actor. A gift for mimicry earned him a place among the Spitting Image regulars (he provided the voices of Tony Blair, Prince Charles and Hugh Grant), before moving on to his own award-winning series - The Big Impression. Alistair is also passionate about the environment and has joined numerous campaigns to reduce waste and protect the environment. He is particularly concerned about climate change and the reckless way in which we are wasting and destroying the Earth's resources. He's campaigned tirelessly on the issue of recycling, is an ambassador to WWF-UK and is a long-standing supporter of Greenpeace.

Emma Thompson

Emma Thompson is an award-winning actress, comedian and writer. Most famous for her roles in Sense and Sensibility, which she co-wrote the screenplay for, and Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Emma Thompson is one of Britain's best-loved actresses. She is also a long-standing supporter of Greenpeace UK, a patron of the British Refugee Council and has worked to support many organisations promoting peace and drawing attention to the plight of the impoverished and exploited around the world.

Zac Goldsmith

Zac is a committed environmentalist and environmental advisor for the Conservative party. Until recently he was editor of the Ecologist magazine where he launched campaigns on climate change, GM food and pesticides among other things. In 2005, Zac was invited to oversee the Conservative party's Quality of Life Policy Group to rethink the party's policies on issues ranging from transport and housing to food and farming, biodiversity and the countryside to energy policy. He has helped establish a number of foundations that raise significant funds for cutting edge environmental organisations. Zac is standing as the parliamentary candidate for the Conservative party in Richmond Park at the next election.


Signed up to be beneficial owners so far are:


Dr Simon Lewis, Royal Society Research Fellow at the University of Leeds

“Many scientists have urged Gordon Brown to drop these proposals. We cannot continue business-as-usual and meet our climate change commitments. It’s as simple as that. Agreeing to massively increase flights from Heathrow against the best scientific advice - to drastically reduce our carbon dioxide emissions - is a reckless decision that will come back to haunt us.”

Justine Greening, Conservative MP

“At every stage the Government has ignored public opinion and shamelessly ignored the grave environmental risk of expanding Heathrow. At every stage, residents have made their concerns and views against further expansion very clear. The battle to stop Heathrow expansion will continue because preserving our quality of life is so important. I have got involved in buying this land to very actively represent the views of my own constituents. If the Government will not listen in Parliament, then ministers will find they have to listen in the courts.”

Susan Kramer, Liberal Democrat MP

"We will never give up this battle. We will use every weapon from tactics like this land purchase to taking the Government to court. The battles for quality of life in our area and on climate change are simply too important for us to give up. The Government brought this fight to us, but they will regret it."

John McDonnell, the local Labour MP at Heathrow

"We've bought the runway from under the Government's nose and we're going to stop them expanding Heathrow. We'll defend this land in the courts and we'll never let the bulldozers on. We can beat climate change, but not by almost doubling the size of the world's biggest international airport."

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