alistair mcgowan

An open letter to the Heathrow 13 from Emma Thompson and Alastair McGowan

Posted by alice.hunter — 24 February 2016 at 10:48am - Comments
by. Credit: Greenpeace

Dear Heathrow 13,

As long-standing opponents of a third runway at Heathrow, we want to express our support and solidarity to you all.

Alistair McGowan: Surely there must be better things to do with £97bn than blow up the world?

Posted by jossc — 15 April 2010 at 4:29pm - Comments

In the latest addition to our Cut Trident video wall, comedian and impressionist extraordinaire Alistair McGowan muses on alternative ways to spend the £97bn that the government is currently planning to blow on new nuclear weapons.

Don't miss the Alistair McGowan railshow!

Posted by jossc — 29 September 2009 at 4:24pm - Comments

Impersonator extraordinaire, Airplotter and all-round funny man Alistair McGowan is shortly embarking on a nationwide tour of Britain, and he's going to great lengths to make it as green as possible. Alistair is a long-time Greenpeace supporter, and has committed himself to playing a key role in opposing aviation expansion by jointly buying the Airplot with us - the piece of land we acquired slap bang in the middle of the proposed new third runway development site at Heathrow Airport.

Airplot legal owners

Last edited 12 January 2009 at 11:07pm

The plot of land within the site of the proposed third runway at Heathrow can only have four legal owners on the deed, but you can join the plot as a beneficial owner and help stop airport expansion.

As a beneficial owner you'll be included in a legal declaration of trust and are represented in any legal fight for the land by the four purchasers of the land. The owners including Greenpeace UK are:

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